Issue with Missing Data Points in Kendo Chart Line Series

0 Answers 10 Views
S M Rahiyan
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Rank 1
S M Rahiyan asked on 29 Apr 2024, 01:41 AM | edited on 29 Apr 2024, 01:45 AM


Hello Telerik Community,

I'm encountering an issue with my Kendo Chart implementation where certain data points are not displaying on the line series, despite being present in the dataset. Here's a breakdown of the problem and my current setup:


- Some data points, specifically those corresponding to the dates November 27 and November 29, are not showing up on the line chart.
- However, these dates are appearing correctly in the category legend.


- I'm using Kendo Chart to visualize historical pool data.
- Data is fetched from a database and processed in the controller before being passed to the Razor view for rendering.
- Each manufacturer's data is plotted on the chart as separate line series, with the x-axis representing dates and the y-axis representing weight.

Relevant Code

Controller Code: I've provided the relevant controller code responsible for fetching and processing the data.
Razor View Code: Similarly, I've included the Razor view code where the Kendo Chart is defined and configured.

Expected Outcome

- I expect the line chart to display all data points, including those for November 27 and November 29, for each manufacturer.

Steps Taken

- I've checked the data in the controller, and it seems that all data points are correctly fetched from the database.
- I've inspected the generated HTML for the chart and confirmed that the missing data points are indeed not being rendered.

Request for Assistance

- Could you please review my setup and help me identify any potential issues causing the missing data points?
- Additionally, if you have any suggestions for troubleshooting or debugging this issue further, I would greatly appreciate it.

Additional Information

Framework: ASP.NET MVC- Browser: Chrome, Edge

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

public ActionResult ChartTMS(DateTime? fromDate, DateTime? toDate, string unit = "gm")
            fromDate = fromDate?.Date;
            toDate = toDate.HasValue ? toDate.Value.Date.AddDays(1).AddTicks(-1) : DateTime.Today;
            if (!fromDate.HasValue || !toDate.HasValue)
                fromDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-6);
                toDate = DateTime.Today;
            var allMeasurements = (
                from m in db.Target_Measurement_History.AsNoTracking()
                where m.Measurement_Record_Date >= fromDate.Value && m.Measurement_Record_Date <= toDate.Value
&& m.Target_Lot_Profile != null
&& m.Target_Lot_Profile.Target_Item != null
&& m.Target_Lot_Profile.Target_Item.Target_Manufacturer != null
                select new MeasurementDataViewModel
                    Measurement_Record_Date = m.Measurement_Record_Date,
                    Pt_Remaining_Gms = m.Pt_Remaining_Gms,
                    Ru_Remaining_Gms = m.Ru_Remaining_Gms,
                    Manufacturer = m.Target_Lot_Profile.Target_Item.Target_Manufacturer,
            var manufacturers = allMeasurements.Select(m => m.Manufacturer).Distinct();
            var colorMap = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            Random rand = new Random();
            foreach (var manufacturer in manufacturers)
                colorMap[manufacturer] = $"#{rand.Next(0x1000000):X6}";
            var groupedData = allMeasurements
                .GroupBy(m => new { m.Measurement_Record_Date.Date, m.Manufacturer })
                .Select(group => new MeasurementDataViewModel
                    Measurement_Record_Date = group.Key.Date,
                    Pt_Remaining_Gms = group.Sum(item => item.Pt_Remaining_Gms),
                    Ru_Remaining_Gms = group.Sum(item => item.Ru_Remaining_Gms),
                    Manufacturer = group.Key.Manufacturer,
                    Color = colorMap[group.Key.Manufacturer]
                .OrderBy(g => g.Measurement_Record_Date)
                .ThenBy(g => g.Manufacturer)
            const float gramsPerTroyOunce = 31.1035f;
            if (unit == "t oz")
                foreach (var item in groupedData)
                    if (item.Pt_Remaining_Gms.HasValue)
                        item.Pt_Remaining_Gms = item.Pt_Remaining_Gms.Value / gramsPerTroyOunce;
                    if (item.Ru_Remaining_Gms.HasValue)
                        item.Ru_Remaining_Gms = item.Ru_Remaining_Gms.Value / gramsPerTroyOunce;
            ViewBag.fromDate = fromDate;
            ViewBag.toDate = toDate;
            ViewBag.Unit = unit;
            return View(groupedData);

    public class MeasurementDataViewModel
        public DateTime Measurement_Record_Date { get; set; }
        public float? Pt_Remaining_Gms { get; set; }
        public float? Ru_Remaining_Gms { get; set; }
        public string Manufacturer { get; set; }
        public string Color { get; set; }
        "Measurement_Record_Date": "/Date(1542823200000)/",
        "Pt_Remaining_Gms": 4370,
        "Ru_Remaining_Gms": 5621,
        "Manufacturer": "JX Nippon"
        "Measurement_Record_Date": "/Date(1542823200000)/",
        "Pt_Remaining_Gms": 4571,
        "Ru_Remaining_Gms": 4295,
        "Manufacturer": "Kojundo/Mitsui"
        "Measurement_Record_Date": "/Date(1543168800000)/",
        "Pt_Remaining_Gms": 1785,
        "Ru_Remaining_Gms": 7086,
        "Manufacturer": "JX Nippon"
        "Measurement_Record_Date": "/Date(1543255200000)/",
        "Pt_Remaining_Gms": 36432,
        "Ru_Remaining_Gms": 41800,
        "Manufacturer": "Kurt J. Lesker"
        "Measurement_Record_Date": "/Date(1543428000000)/",
        "Pt_Remaining_Gms": 76360,
        "Ru_Remaining_Gms": 74687,
        "Manufacturer": "Kurt J. Lesker"
        "Measurement_Record_Date": "/Date(1543428000000)/",
        "Pt_Remaining_Gms": 11138,
        "Ru_Remaining_Gms": 9686,
        "Manufacturer": "Materion"
        "Measurement_Record_Date": "/Date(1543428000000)/",
        "Pt_Remaining_Gms": 1329,
        "Ru_Remaining_Gms": 4796,
        "Manufacturer": "Mitsubishi"
@using Kendo.Mvc.UI
@using System.Web.Mvc
@using System.Web.Mvc.Html
@using Kendo.Mvc.Extensions
@model IEnumerable<TMS_RND.Controllers.MeasurementDataViewModel>
@using System.Web.Helpers
    ViewBag.Title = "Chart";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
    DateTime startDate = ViewBag.fromDate ?? DateTime.Today.AddDays(-6);
    DateTime endDate = ViewBag.toDate ?? DateTime.Today;
    string currentUnit = ViewBag.Unit ?? "gm";
    var manufacturers = Model
        .GroupBy(m => m.Manufacturer)
        .Select(g => new
            Manufacturer = g.Key,
            Color = g.First().Color
<div class="demo-section wide">
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center;">
            From: @(Html.Kendo().DatePicker().Name("fromDate").Value(startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")))
            To: @(Html.Kendo().DatePicker().Name("toDate").Value(endDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")))
<button id="refreshChart">Refresh Chart</button>
<button id="clearFilter">Clear</button>
<button id="toggleUnit">@(currentUnit == "gm" ? "Switch to Troy oz" : "Switch to gm")</button>
<button class="tab" id="totalPoolTab">Total Pool</button>
<button class="tab" id="tmsTab" style="background-color: lightblue;">TMS</button>
            @foreach (var manufacturer in manufacturers)
<span style="color:@manufacturer.Color">@manufacturer.Manufacturer</span>
<div id="chartContainer">
            .Title("Historical Pool Data")
            .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "height: 400px;" })
            .Legend(legend => legend.Position(ChartLegendPosition.Bottom))
            .SeriesDefaults(seriesDefaults => seriesDefaults.Line().Stack(false))
            .Series(series => {
                foreach (var manufacturer in manufacturers)
                    var manufacturerData = Model.Where(m => m.Manufacturer == manufacturer.Manufacturer).ToList();
                    series.Line(manufacturerData.Select(m => m.Pt_Remaining_Gms))
                          .Name("Pt - " + manufacturer.Manufacturer)
                          .Labels(labels => labels.Visible(true).Format("{0:N2} " + currentUnit));
                    series.Line(manufacturerData.Select(m => m.Ru_Remaining_Gms))
                          .Name("Ru - " + manufacturer.Manufacturer)
                          .Labels(labels => labels.Visible(true).Format("{0:N2} " + currentUnit));
            .CategoryAxis(axis => axis.Categories(Model.Select(m => m.Measurement_Record_Date.ToString("dd MMM yyyy")).Distinct()))
            .ValueAxis(axis => axis.Numeric()
                .Line(line => line.Visible(false))
                .Title("Weight (" + currentUnit + ")"))
            .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip.Visible(true).Format("{0:N2} " + currentUnit))
    $(document).ready(function () {
        function toISOStringWithMidday(date) {
            var localDate = new Date(date);
            localDate.setHours(12, 0, 0, 0);
            var offset = localDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
            var localMidday = new Date(localDate.getTime() - offset);
            return localMidday.toISOString();
        $("#refreshChart").click(function () {
        $("#toggleUnit").click(function () {
            var newUnit = '@currentUnit' == 'gm' ? 't oz' : 'gm';
        $("#clearFilter").click(function () {
            window.location.href = '@Url.Action("ChartTMS", "Target_Measurement_History")';
        function refreshChart(newUnit) {
            var selectedFromDate = $("#fromDate").data("kendoDatePicker").value();
            var selectedToDate = $("#toDate").data("kendoDatePicker").value();
            var unitParam = newUnit || '@currentUnit';
            if (selectedFromDate && selectedToDate) {
                var difference = Math.abs(selectedToDate.getTime() - selectedFromDate.getTime());
                if (difference > 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) {
                    alert("Please select a date range within 7 days.");
                var fromDateStr = toISOStringWithMidday(selectedFromDate);
                var toDateStr = toISOStringWithMidday(selectedToDate);
                window.location.href = '@Url.Action("ChartTMS", "Target_Measurement_History")' + '?fromDate=' + fromDateStr + '&toDate=' + toDateStr + '&unit=' + unitParam;
            } else {
                alert("Please select both from and to dates.");
        $("#totalPoolTab").click(function() {
            window.location.href = '@Url.Action("Chart", "Target_Measurement_History")';
        $("#tmsTab").click(function() {
            window.location.href = '@Url.Action("ChartTMS", "Target_Measurement_History")';
        $("#tmsTab").css("background-color", "lightblue");
        $(".tab").click(function() {
            $(".tab").css("background-color", "");
            $(this).css("background-color", "lightblue");
Telerik team
commented on 01 May 2024, 12:45 PM

I believe the issue is because the categories of the values are not adjacent. Could you please test the following and let me know if it works?

            .CategoryAxis(axis => axis.Categories(new DateTime[] { new DateTime(2018, 11, 21), 
                                                                                                                new DateTime(2018, 11, 28),

No answers yet. Maybe you can help?

Asked by
S M Rahiyan
Top achievements
Rank 1
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