import { Grid, GridColumn, GridColumnProps, } from "@progress/kendo-react-grid"; import { ColumnMenu } from "./column-menu"; import { useCallback, useState } from "react"; import { ColumnMenuContext } from "./column-menu-context"; const DataGrid = (props: IProps) => { const columns = any) => ({ ...item, id: item.title, columnMenu: ColumnMenu, })); const filterColOrder = columns; const colStateCache = sessionStorage.getItem(props.gridID + "-colCache"); const filterColCache = sessionStorage.getItem(props.gridID + "-filterColCache"); const [columnsState, setColumnsState] = useState( colStateCache ? JSON.parse(colStateCache) : columns, ); const [filterColumnsState, setFilterColumnsState] = useState( filterColCache ? JSON.parse(filterColCache) : columns, ); const onColumnsChange = useCallback((cols: GridColumnProps[]) => { setColumnsState(cols); sessionStorage.setItem( props.gridID + "-colCache", JSON.stringify(cols), ); }, []); const onColumnsReorder = (gridProps) => { // Reorder the columns based on their order index into a new list const reorderedColList = Array(gridProps.columns?.length); gridProps.columns?.forEach((column) => { const col = { field: column.field, orderIndex: column.orderIndex, }; reorderedColList[column.orderIndex] = col; }); // Create a new column list with the updated order indexes const newColList = [] as GridColumnProps[]; reorderedColList.forEach((column) => { const item = filterColumnsState?.find((i) => i.field === column.field); if (item !== null && item !== undefined) { item.orderIndex = column.orderedIndex; newColList.push(item); } }); // create a list of indexes for the columns in the filter list that need to be reordered const sortIdx = []; newColList.forEach((column) => { const index = filterColOrder?.findIndex((i) => i.field === column.field); sortIdx.push(index); }); sortIdx.sort(); // Reorder the filter column menu order based on the indexes from the previous list for (let i = 0; i < sortIdx.length; i++) { const col = newColList[i]; if (col.field !== filterColOrder[sortIdx[i]].field) { const idx = filterColOrder?.findIndex((i) => i.field === col.field); const temp = filterColOrder[sortIdx[i]]; filterColOrder[sortIdx[i]] = filterColOrder[idx]; filterColOrder[idx] = temp; } } setFilterColumnsState(filterColOrder); sessionStorage.setItem( props.gridID + "-colCache", JSON.stringify(newColList as GridColumnProps[]), ); sessionStorage.setItem( props.gridID + "-filterColCache", JSON.stringify(filterColOrder as GridColumnProps[]), ); } return ( {, index) => ( ))} ) } interface IProps { guidField?: string; className?: string; columns: { title: string; field: string; width?: string; editable?: boolean; }[]; height?: number; gridID?: string; data: any; sortable?: boolean | any; notPageable?: boolean; dataItemKey?: string; dataDetailsField?: string; toolbar?: boolean; onDataSelectionChanged?: (items: any) => void; onExpandedHandler?: (id: string) => void; } export default DataGrid;