We are working with several elements with Java Script attached to them and I've found that sometimes the events associated with them require the user to physically clear the box for the change to register when saving. This is the same case when inputting which can be accomplished by using:
Manager.Desktop.KeyBoard.TypeText("some string", 50, 100, true);
As of right now I've overcome this by creating a manual step and referencing it within a script step as I haven't found a way to script a manual step:
this.ExecuteTest("_Shared Steps\\_Clear mask.tstest");
This, however, disables me from scheduling the test as someone has to complete the manual step for clearing out the HtmlInputText. In a similar thread it was suggested to set the text or value to "" but this is not an option as this boxes require physical input and hard codding a specific number of backspaces into my test doesn't feel like the correct solution.
Has anyone encountered similar issues and found a workaround?
Manager.Desktop.KeyBoard.TypeText("some string", 50, 100, true);
As of right now I've overcome this by creating a manual step and referencing it within a script step as I haven't found a way to script a manual step:
this.ExecuteTest("_Shared Steps\\_Clear mask.tstest");
This, however, disables me from scheduling the test as someone has to complete the manual step for clearing out the HtmlInputText. In a similar thread it was suggested to set the text or value to "" but this is not an option as this boxes require physical input and hard codding a specific number of backspaces into my test doesn't feel like the correct solution.
Has anyone encountered similar issues and found a workaround?