OS: Windows 10
Firefox Version 47.0
TTS version 2016.1.330.0
Am using above configurations for automation.
In my application, there is an iframe.
Problem is - could not access elements in this using chrome browser.
The Same code is working in Firefox but not in Chrome.
Below is my code:
ActiveBrowser.WaitForFrame(new FrameInfo("creditCardComponent", "", "~/creditcard.jsp", "", 0, false, false, ""), 20000);
Browser ccframeinfoo = ActiveBrowser.Frames.ById("creditCardComponent");
HtmlInputText ccno1 = ccframeinfoo.Find.ById<HtmlInputText>("ccno1-inputEl"); ccno1.Text = "xxxx";
HtmlInputText ccno2 = ccframeinfoo.Find.ById<HtmlInputText>("ccno2-inputEl"); ccno2.Text = "xxxx";
HtmlInputText ccno3 = ccframeinfoo.Find.ById<HtmlInputText>("ccno3-inputEl"); ccno3.Text = "xxxx";
HtmlInputText ccno4 = ccframeinfoo.Find.ById<HtmlInputText>("ccno4-inputEl"); ccno4.Text = "xxxx";
Error: Exception executing coded step: 'Enter the card number'.
System.TimeoutException: Wait for condition has timed out
at ArtOfTest.Common.WaitSync.CheckResult(WaitSync wait, String extraExceptionInfo, Object target)
at ArtOfTest.Common.WaitSync.For[T,V](Func`3 func, T target, V custom, Boolean invertCondition, Int32 timeout)
at ArtOfTest.Common.WaitSync.For[T,V](Func`3 func, T target, V custom, Int32 timeout)
at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Core.Browser.WaitForFrame(FrameInfo frameInfo, Int32 timeout)
FYI- used ActiveBrowser.WaitUntilReady(); and ActiveBrowser.RefreshDomTree(); but did not solve my issue.
Can you please help me on this issue.
Thanks in Advance!