Is there a way to configure a Test Studio project to use certain TFS credentials when it gets the latest tests from source control?
I am running Test Studio tests in a different domain than the TFS server. It appears that that it uses the credentials of the Telerik Test Studio Runtime service account (tst\teleriksvc) when talking to TFS. These credentials, of course, are not valid since the service account is in a different domain than the TFS server.
My project is setup as follows:
- The project logged in TFS using generic TFS credentials (dev\teleriksvc) that we setup for the Telerik service account to use.
- Attached the project to source control.
We plan to execute test lists using CommandLineClient. We tried executing the tests with various configurations, but all of them result in an error saying the credentials are invalid for TFS. From the CMD stack trace:
Telerik.TestStudio.Services.Common.Exceptions.SourceControlNotReachableException: Unable to reach source control server at:
at Telerik.TestStudio.Shared.Communication.BaseCommunicationLayer.<CheckForKnownResponseCode>d__35.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Telerik.TestStudio.Shared.Communication.BaseCommunicationLayer.<HandleResponse>d__33.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
We tried the following:
- Executed the test list with no additional configuration.
- Logged into TFS using dev\teleriksvc in browser. Execute test list.
- Modify the Telerik Scheduling Service account to "dev\teleriksvc" as noted here. I was unable to set updated account and received an error stating: "Error 1057: The account name is invalid or does note exist, or the password is invalid for the account name specified." I'm guessing this is a result of there not being an Active Directory Domain Trust between dev and test domains.
- Modified the project's setting.aiis file in the following way:
- Set "TfsUserName": "teleriksvc" and "dev\\teleriksvc" and "dev\teleriksvc"
- Set "TfsPassword": "{our password}"
- Set "TfsDomain": "dev" and "" (empty)
- I tried various combinations where the TfsUserName also includes the domain and where the TfsDomain is blank. None of these worked. What is the purpose of these configuration values if they don't work?
I tried running the CommandLineClient after each change noted above, and it resulted in the same stack trace error. If we remove the TFS integration with the project, the test list runs as expected using the CommandLineClient.
Ultimately, we simply want to provide the TFS username/password so that our service account provides those credentials instead of the credentials of the service account. How do we make this happen?