Hi ,
I am currently using Trial version of Test Studio to check the feasibility and create a POC project of my application. So far I am satisfied with what I can do with Test Studio and would most likely be buying the license soon if my POC gets approved.
However, lately I have found a problem while executing in debug mode i.e. performing 'Run from here' on the attached IE browser.
Everytime a step contains 'Find' statement the IE browser gets closed and I would have to relogin. The test gets executed successfully though.
I have noticed this with all kinds of Find statemetns - Find.ByExpression, Find.ByAttributes etc.
These statements get executed successfully i.e. the relevant object gets identified, gets clicked and everything works well, just that the attached browser gets closed. This doesnt happen when there are no Find statments in the test case.
IE Version : IE 11
OS : Windows 7
Thank you