Hi all,
As I found this article previously and identified a Kendo drop down list as Kendo input, I recall myself being able to enter text into the drop down list using "Enter text ' ' into......" from the Step Builder.
However, recently when I tried again, I received error "Target '[Element: 'div:107']' is not a supported element to set text to.".
Is it my misunderstanding, memory haywire or this seems to be an issue after any Test Studio version upgrade?
The last time I was able to enter text into Kendo drop down was when I used trial account and at that time Elements Library still had the option "Edit in Live".
It should be around either November / December last year or early this year (again I don't remember the exact details).
Attached image is the properties for the Kendo drop down list I was trying to enter text into.
15 Answers, 1 is accepted
As far as I understand you have troubles with a step recorded in a test, which is supposed to enter text in a Kendo dropdown control. There are different types of Kendo dropdowns and if the control itself does not allow you to enter text in it, then probably you need to re-record the test.
For example - you cannot enter text for this Kendo DropDownList and you can only select any of the list items. On the other hand the Kendo AutoComplete allows you to enter text and the list items get filtered as per the text.
So, having that said, it is important to sort out what is the control used in the page you are automating. And to be able to continue the investigation in this case, I will appreciate if you collect the Step failure details of that particular error you have encountered - you can use the Export button on the Failure tab to get the necessary details zipped. Then you can send these via this thread for further analysis.
And as a side note I will be glad to share some details for the elements in Test Studio and their improved edit options - you again can check and modify elements without any active recording session or connect the recorder to a browser and explore the possible options for the elements find expression in further details. I hope you will enjoy the Edit elements new look and the images included in the find expression.
I am looking forward to hearing back from you with the failure details and continue the investigation about the Kendo dropdown you have difficulties with.
Progress Telerik
Hi Elena,
Thanks for the reply. Yes, I am trying to enter text into Kendo drop down list. It is possible to enter text into the Kendo drop down list in the link you have provided. Upon clicking on the Cap Color drop down list, you may try to enter "grey" then you will notice the item "Grey" is selected.
I am trying to record these actions in Test Studio. I do not remember I was able to achieve this action of typing into drop down list using Test Studio or Katalon Studio as I was analyzing these two tools during that period of time.
I have attached the test execution log for trying to enter text into the drop down list together with a screenshot of the recorded test steps. The step "Enter text 'grey'...." is a step added later on through Step Builder as Test Studio did not capture that action during recording.
The reason to enter text into the drop down list is that we are trying to make this step to be data driven so that we do not have to capture and store all the drop down items in the Elements repository.
Yan Jun
Thanks for the additional details.
You are correct that entering text in this Kendo dropdown control is also possible - I manage to record such step and it selected the respective item. I am not sure how you tried to record the step on your end, but the dropdown should be opened (or toggled) when entering the text - this is how it got recorded on my end. Also the target element of this step was the span, which represents the dropdown - in other words, the Kendoinput Toggle step and the KendoInputValue 'Grey' step are using the same element. As far as I could see from the shared details, the step you added manually is targeting another element and therefore the test is failing.
Anyways, before you go for that option, I would like to point you to some other features, which Test Studio provides as an alternative to cover this scenario. You mentioned that you need to data drive the item to select from the dropdown list to avoid adding multiple elements to the Elements repository. For such cases Test Studio allows you to data drive the find expression of an element - in this case this should be the item to select from the list. The recorded find expression uses tagName and TextContent of the item, so you can data drive the text content to point to the different items in the list.
I have prepared a sample test for you to demonstrate this data binding and you can find it attached to this reply. You can add it as an existing test in the project and review how this is set - it uses local data for the data binding, its last two steps are disabled as they represent the scenario with entering text, but these may not be required.
I hope this will be helpful for you to tailor up the most appropriate solution to cover the requirements. Of course, in case of any questions, please do not hesitate to get back to me.
Progress Telerik
Hi Elena,
Thanks for the detailed explanation! Would love to see your recorded steps so that I can figure out what you just explained. But upon clicking on your zip file, I hit error 404. Can you please kindly check on that issue?
Yan Jun
Actually I entered text into the same drop down element, just that I rename the drop down element to 'jQueryDropDown'. But even after I renamed the drop down element, the step to open / toggle will still remain as "KendoInput: Toggle Combo". So in the execution log it seems like I am performing steps on two different elements but actually on exact the same one.
Hello Yan,
Did you manage to test the provided sample script? Did it work for you as well?
Is the example helpful for you to adjust your test scenario?
If you continue having troubles with automating the Kendo dropdown I can have a look on a sample test which you have troubles with and can explore the used elements then.
Thank you for your understanding in advance.
Progress Telerik
[quote] Hi Elena,
Thanks for the detailed explanation! Would love to see your recorded steps so that I can figure out what you just explained. But upon clicking on your zip file, I hit error 404. Can you please kindly check on that issue?
Yan Jun
Hi Elena,
I have problem downloading your previous attached zip file. Can you please kindly assist me in this?
Thank you.
Yan Jun
Hello Yan,
Please, excuse me for the misunderstanding - I am not sure what the issue with the attached file could be, so I will upload it in a cloud folder, which you can find here.
I just want to add that this a test only and you can add it as an existing test in your project. To data source used in the sample is the local one.
I hope this time you will be able to explore the suggested approach to data drive the find expression of an element. However, do not hesitate to get back to me in case you need further assistance.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Progress Telerik
Hi Elena,
Thanks for the file! Finally got to download and view your recorded steps.
I am wondering how and where do you get to choose the keyword "KendoInputValue"? I tried "Build Step" and "Quick Steps" but I can't find the option.
Please find the attached screenshot is how I tried to find "KendoInputValue".
As far as I tried, after I toggle the drop down and type words, the typing action is not captured.
Would love to know how you manage to get the "KendoInputValue" action.
Yan Jun
Hi Elena,
Thanks for the file! Finally got to download and view your recorded steps.
I am wondering how and where do you get to choose the keyword "KendoInputValue"? I tried "Build Step" and "Quick Steps" but I can't find the option.
Please find the attached screenshot is how I tried to find "KendoInputValue".
As far as I tried, after I toggle the drop down and type words, the typing action is not captured.
Would love to know how you manage to get the "KendoInputValue" action.
Yan Jun
Hi Elena,
Adding more example on how I try to type into the kendo drop down, please find that I attached a zip file for a mhtml file recorded all my actions on the drop down file.
Please let me know if you have trouble viewing the file.
Thank you.
Yan Jun
Hi Yan,
Test Studio has built-in translators for most of the Telerik controls - this is how see the span and KendoInput listed in the Elements menu. With the help of these translators, you get the KendoInput: Toggle step, when you click on the dropdown to open it. These steps, however, are not listed in the Recorder toolbar as these are generated by the actions you perform against the page.
So, to directly record these steps, you need to click on the dropdown to open it and directly type the value you want to select. This will generate a KendoInput: Toggle step and a KendoInputvalue 'grey' entered step.
I hope this helps you to continue developing your tests. Of course, if you need to discuss anything further, please do not hesitate to get back to me.
Thank you for your cooperation once again.
Progress Telerik
Hi Elena,
I understand the concept about built-in translators and how automatically Kendo related steps are generated.
On my end it does not detect and capture my action of entering text into the drop down.
It only captures the action of toggle the drop down.
Yan Jun
Hello Yan,
I am not sure what might be going wrong on your end - did you try this against the sample page, or the type action does not get recorded against the application under test?
You still can use my previous suggestion - to use the Toggle dropdown step to open the dropdown list and then click on any of the items. You can use the option to data drive the find expression of an element and use the text of each item you need to click on. You can refer to the shared sample test, which demonstrates such an example using local data. Will this be an option for you?
Please, let me know if I can be further helpful for you.
Progress Telerik
Hello Yan,
I am not sure what might be going wrong on your end - did you try this against the sample page, or the type action does not get recorded against the application under test?
Hi Elena,
I was trying on the given sample page. I face the same issue in the AUT. Therefore I am very confused by how does it work on your end but not mine. Does browser type matter in this case? I was using Chrome all these times. Havent tried to reproduce this in other types of browser.
As for clicking on the drop down item, yes, currently we have no other choice but to implement this on all drop down.
Hopefully my request in portal for Kendo drop down will be looked into and implemented in Test Studio soon as our team has another project coming in with heavy implementation of Kendo jQuery UI too (drop down included for sure).
Thank you.
Yan Jun
Hi Yan Jun,
In some specific cases the different browsers may behave in different way - in this particular case it seems that only Chrome is not capturing the entered text against the dropdown and this will be further explored when reviewing the feature request related to the Kendo jQuery dropdown control.
Apart from this, the steps recorded in Firefox or IE are successfully executed against Chrome as well. So, you can use any of the proposed options to automate the dropdown in question - you can either toggle the drodown list and select an item, or toggle the combo and record using IE or Firefox a step to enter directly the desired KendoInputValue.
You can also refer to the previously created sample test, which demonstrates both possible flows and how these can be data driven. If you choose to click an item from the list, you can data drive the find expression of the element, and on the other hand, if you choose the approach to use the KendoInputValue step - you can data drive it through the step properties.
I hope that this will be of further help for you. Of course, let me know in case you have any other questions on the case.
Thank you for your time spent in this discussion.
Progress Telerik