I have faced some execution problem from quite a sometime. While executing the suite, ArtOfTest.Runner.exe has been stopped and subsequently execution of the suite has been stopped. Previously this error occurs when our test suite contains around 250 test scripts, so to solve the problem we partitioned it into 2 different suites, Each contains around 100 scripts. But the same problem still persist for 100 scripts as well. Please provide me the appropriate solution for the above problem ASAP.
I have attached the screenshot regarding the above problem.
6 Answers, 1 is accepted
In order to investigate this behavior and provide a fix or a workaround we will need to be able to reproduce this behavior locally on our end and review it further.
As soon as you provide us with reliable repro we can start working on this problem.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Hi Ivaylo,
There is no particular step to reproduce the same, actually when we run our test suite contains more than 100 scripts. This error occurs any time. I have tried to find the root cause but not able to find as it occurs anonymously.
Hi Ivaylo,
The above issue has been resolved now, it occurred due to admin rights. But now a new error is displaying after execution of test suite (system.outofmemory error) and due to this error result for the suite is not generated. Can you tell me exactly where my memory is lacking. Is that the system memory or something else.
I have attahed the error screenshot.
In order to workaround this problem you will neet to set the LARGEADDRESSAWARE flag on the Test Studio and ArtOfTest.Runner executable files.
To do this requires that you have Visual Studio installed:
1. Open a Visual Studio command prompt (the standard command prompt won’t have the path set properly), with admin privileges
2. Enter “cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Telerik\Test Studio\Bin”
3. Enter “editbin /LARGEADDRESSAWARE Telerik.TestStudio.exe”
That should be it. To double check that it worked, you can (in the same command prompt) run:
dumpbin /headers Telerik.TestStudio.exe
You are looking for something ~12 lines down that says “Application can handle large (>2GB) addresses”
Hi Ivaylo ,
I have done the needed configuration as you said on the last post but still getting the same error.
My system configuration is:
Processor - Intel core (i3) 3.10 Ghz
Ram - 4GB
Hard Disc - 500 GB
System Type - 32 bit operating system
Do i have to change my system configuration or is there any other solution for this error.
Please note that the LARGEADDRESSAWARE flag is applicable for 64 bit machines only. Since for 32-bit OS the memory usage cannot be extended.
Another solution is to use more powerful machine.