I have 2 remote windows machines that I would like to run tests on. I have installed Firefox on one and Chrome on the other. I also uninstalled IE on those machines as the Firefox and Chrome would be the default browser. When I check the status of the machines in the Test Studio Ultimate in the Scheduling section of the ribbon, it shows Firefox and IE (or Chrome and IE) installed. How do I get the Test Studio real-time execution agents to stop reporting that IE is on the machines. This affects running lists remotely as I will get the following error:
4/20/2015 1:46:36 PM' - System.ApplicationException: Exception thrown attempting to launch Internet Explorer. Please make sure Internet Explorer is properly installed and you are able to launch it. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The system cannot find the file specified
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEx(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at ArtOfTest.WebAii.BrowserSpecialized.InternetExplorer.InternetExplorerActions.LaunchNewBrowserInstance(Int32 timeout, ProcessWindowStyle windowStyle, String pipename)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at ArtOfTest.WebAii.BrowserSpecialized.InternetExplorer.InternetExplorerActions.LaunchNewBrowserInstance(Int32 timeout, ProcessWindowStyle windowStyle, String pipename)
at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Core.Manager.LaunchNewBrowser(BrowserType browserToLaunch, Boolean waitForBrowserToConnect, ProcessWindowStyle windowStyle, String arguments)
at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.InitializeWeb(ExecutionEngineCreateParams initParams)
at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.TestExecuteProxy.CreateAndInitializeEngine(Test test, ExecutionEngineCreateParams cp)
at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.TestExecuteProxy.ExecuteTest(ExecuteTestCommand command)