Hi All,
Has anyone successfully used the Test Studio to perform load testing on Microsoft Dynamics CRM?
I have just started experimenting but have hit a wall as it doesn't detect the CRM guids for related entities as dynamic targets to be set.
Any help and pointers would be greatly appreciated!
3 Answers, 1 is accepted
We're not aware of anyone who has attempted to load test a Microsoft Dynamics CRM application. I'd like to know more about these CRM GUID's you speak of. Can you share with me an example of them? Where do they show up in the HTTP traffic? How are they used by the application?
Hi Cody,
CRM GUID's are just unique ID's (e.g 8026D06A-CA44-E511-80D0-000C292122BE) which are automatically created for new entities.
They are then used as part of an entity reference on other entity types to associate them to each other.
So an example in my case is that I create a Lead then add a Subject entiy off that form which automatically includes the GUID for the related Lead as a value in the lookup field of the Subject.
These appear to be compressed into the Http content responses and posts is there a way to access them and map them to a different fields. Perhaps to define what needs to taken as the target as currently the format of the content is like this:
.....formId>4a63c8d1-6c1e-48ec-9db4-3e6c7155334c</formId><dataxml>&#60;incident&#62;&#60;ntt_businessprocesstemplateid type&#61;&#34;10033&#34; name&#61;&#34;TO-...
Thank you for the additional information. True the snippet you shared was HTML encoded. I was able to decode it into the following plain HTML.
><ntt_businessprocesstemplateid type="10033" name="TO-...
If I understand correctly, the "formId" needs to be driven as a Dynamic Target. In short a Dynamic Target in a Test Studio load test is taking some piece of data contained in the response from the web server and feeding it back into some field of a later HTTP request to the server. Does that sound right?
Our dynamic target system only works with HTML content having keyword=value format such as:
And input fields having a name and value attribute:
<input type="hidden" name="form_id" id="edit-search-theme-form" value="search_theme_form" />
At this time we're unable to parse any other format in order to pull out dynamically generated data and feed it into another part of the outgoing HTTP request. Based on the small snippet you provided, Test Studio is not capable of substituting the value for formId as it doesn't fit either of the above two supported formats.