I have a web page with two almost identical grids on the page. The grids are made up of tables that look something like
Grid 1
<Table> x-grid-row
<td> x-grid3-Risk
<Table> x-grid-row
I've had succes getting to the information in the name column by using the following commands
my_Frame As ArtOfTest.WebAii.Core.Browser = ActiveBrowser.Frames.BySrc("~Lending/Admin/RiskModel.mvc/index")
myRows as Element = my_Frame.Find.AllByAttributes("class=~x-grid3-Reward")
Dim myElement = myRows(i).getNextSibiling
What I haven't been able to get to work out is how to use code to use "Click" with one of the x-grid3-name cells. Is there a way to convert the Element to an HTML control? Every method I have tried just causes a compile error - so any suggestions would be appreciated.