I have a silverlight app with hundreds of recorded objects, but I'm getting to the point where the objects are not easy to find/maintain. Is it possible to group objects by a particular element, say the RadPaneGroup or RadSplitContainer elements? This would make it easier to find/use the elements needed for each test.
A copy/paste from the DOM explorer for an element I'd like to group by:
<RadSplitContainer Name='contentTypesSplitContainer' AutomationId='contentTypesSplitContainer' Uid='16367560'>
I've tried to modify the SilverlightApp identification filter to:
RadSplitContainer Name is exactly contentTypesSplitContainer
I get the error "We could find the element using the back-up search. Modify the settings below or click the 'Troubleshoot' button." when I enter this manually into the filter criteria.
I've tried to navigate through the DOM and right-click and select "Replace element" on the above DOM object but I get the error "The technology of the element you have selected does not correspond to the current type!" when trying to replace the identifying filter with the "SilverlightApp" page/object.
Is it possible to clean up the Elements list at all, or am I stuck with hundred of objects in the Elements repository? I know I can filter down based on the test, but I prefer to have some sort of order to my repository in case I need to select an object manually.
A copy/paste from the DOM explorer for an element I'd like to group by:
<RadSplitContainer Name='contentTypesSplitContainer' AutomationId='contentTypesSplitContainer' Uid='16367560'>
I've tried to modify the SilverlightApp identification filter to:
RadSplitContainer Name is exactly contentTypesSplitContainer
I get the error "We could find the element using the back-up search. Modify the settings below or click the 'Troubleshoot' button." when I enter this manually into the filter criteria.
I've tried to navigate through the DOM and right-click and select "Replace element" on the above DOM object but I get the error "The technology of the element you have selected does not correspond to the current type!" when trying to replace the identifying filter with the "SilverlightApp" page/object.
Is it possible to clean up the Elements list at all, or am I stuck with hundred of objects in the Elements repository? I know I can filter down based on the test, but I prefer to have some sort of order to my repository in case I need to select an object manually.