We are using the command line tool ArtOfTest.Runner within Jenkins CI to run our tests. It would be great to have the results published to scheduling server and/or by mail. The ArtOfTest.Runner holds the arguments for this scenario:
But after executing the test we get the error "Unable to find TFS server info". Since we do not specify a TFS server in the project but a scheduling server, this error came unexpected.
The following output from test execution shows our problem:
How can we publish the results via command line?
ArtOfTest.Runner list=Tests\TestLists\BasicTestList.aiilist out=Results serverPublish=true notifyOption=1 mails="mytestresults@mail.com"
But after executing the test we get the error "Unable to find TFS server info". Since we do not specify a TFS server in the project but a scheduling server, this error came unexpected.
The following output from test execution shows our problem:
C:\Temp\test>ArtOfTest.Runner list=Tests\TestLists\BasicTestList.aiilist out=Results serverPublish=true notifyOption=1 mails="mytestresults@mail.com"
Executing test: 'BasicTest'
Navigate to : 'http://www.google.de/'
Enter text 'google' in 'GbqfqText'
Keyboard (KeyPress) - Eingabetaste (1 times) on 'GsrBodyTag'
Verify 'TextContent' 'Contains' 'translate..de/' on 'TranslateDeCiteTag'
Wait for '250' msec.
Result saved with path: 'Results\BasicTestList 130068607503594562.aiiresult'.
PublishRunResult: Unable to find TFS server info
How can we publish the results via command line?