I have a question related to running a specific test case in the test list to run on a specific browser.
I have two test cases.
A) Loads the Google.ca website.
B) Loads the DuckDuckGo.com website.
I want to add both of them to the Test List and would like testcase A to be executed on Chrome and IE (both) but testcase B to be executed only on IE.
Current Configuration:
Under Projects:
Test Case A --> Properties "BrowserType" --> NotSet
Test Case B --> Properties "BrowserType" -->InternetExplorer
TestLists --> Properties, "Browser" --> NotSet; "ExecutingBrowsers" --> IE, and Chrome
With my current Config, Test Studio does the following
Open IE --> Run testcase A and B,
then Open Chrome --> Run testcase A, Opens IE (Again) --> Runs testcase B
Thus, I am looking a way to tell Test Studio, that if the browser does not match then please ignore the testcase in the testlist.
Please let me know if this is achievable.