I want to do this steps:
Navigate on a silverlight webapplication site. Click Search Button.
I get one result.
On the resultview I can see a textblock. Now I want to save the data from this textblock in a variable.
Do some other background steps.
Go again on the webapplication, search, get one result.
Now I want to verify, that the text is not the same as before.
My question is, how can I save the value from the textblock in a variable and verify it later?
As I recorded the test, I can access the Textblock, but did not find a way to save the value from the text with the Telerik GUI elements.
So I think I need to access it via code and save it in this step, where I can see it, right?
But how can I access the textblock from the code to do so?
There is one button "Add to project elements" to put the element in the elementsTree. I tried this one, and then tried to access in the next code step via
string sjobid = Pages.VPMSMediaCenter.SilverlightApp0.sjobidTextblock.Text;
But as I play the test, I got the error message:
Exception thrown executing coded step: '[AF001_QA001_Umbenennung_CodedStep1] : Save SJobID in variable'.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException()
at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Silverlight.SilverlightAppsList.get_Item(Int32 index)
I am new to Telerik Teststudio, maybe there is a explanation (didn't find it in forum/documentation) somewhere?
Or someone can help me here?
Best regards,
I want to do this steps:
Navigate on a silverlight webapplication site. Click Search Button.
I get one result.
On the resultview I can see a textblock. Now I want to save the data from this textblock in a variable.
Do some other background steps.
Go again on the webapplication, search, get one result.
Now I want to verify, that the text is not the same as before.
My question is, how can I save the value from the textblock in a variable and verify it later?
As I recorded the test, I can access the Textblock, but did not find a way to save the value from the text with the Telerik GUI elements.
So I think I need to access it via code and save it in this step, where I can see it, right?
But how can I access the textblock from the code to do so?
There is one button "Add to project elements" to put the element in the elementsTree. I tried this one, and then tried to access in the next code step via
string sjobid = Pages.VPMSMediaCenter.SilverlightApp0.sjobidTextblock.Text;
But as I play the test, I got the error message:
Exception thrown executing coded step: '[AF001_QA001_Umbenennung_CodedStep1] : Save SJobID in variable'.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException()
at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Silverlight.SilverlightAppsList.get_Item(Int32 index)
I am new to Telerik Teststudio, maybe there is a explanation (didn't find it in forum/documentation) somewhere?
Or someone can help me here?
Best regards,