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System.OutOfMemoryException(ArtOfTest.Runner has stoped working)

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Boris asked on 11 Sep 2017, 08:01 AM


The error happens in the following scenario.

First I have a test I will call him Test A he is 343 steps. At his 50 step I call other test (Test A') with Test as Step which is 1300 steps

The purpose of the test is to register a large form of data with 10 companies and some other data. The registration of these 10 companies is in Test A'.
After I save the form, a unique record number is generated that needs to be used later in the other tests. Also I take with extraction steps, all the infromation for this 10 companys and other data which is saved in the form. I use these extraction steps later in the other tests to verify the data.


Test B - This test calls as first step Test A. Test B have 696 steps inside him. Its purpose is to edit the saved form that was made by Test A and to add more data to the form and save it again .

Test C - This test calls as first step Test B. The purpose of this test is to verify the data after the editing is done by Test B and to generate a document in the form with unique number.The test have 548 steps.

Test D - This test calls as first step Test C. The purpose of this test is generate 3 documents in the form with unique numbers and status. For the last three steps of the test I call three more tests (Test D', Test D'', Test D'').
After the first 3 documents are generated, three new buttons are activated and with them I have to generate other 3 documents. Test D have 186 steps.
Test D' have 451 steps, Test D'' have 511 and Test D''' have 486 steps.

When I start Test D, the tests A, B, C, D, D', D'' are executed successfully but when runs the last test (Test D''') gives me the error System.OutOfMemoryExeption.

Тhe total number of steps for all tests is 4518 steps.


My question is is there any limitation on how many steps I can perform when using Test as Step feature? Аnd whether in the new version will give me the same error?
Is it possible to give me this error because it's expected to generate a large result?


My Computer parametes:

OS:Windows 10
System type: 64-bit

Using Telerik Test Studio Version 2014.3.903.0 - 32 bit.


I also read this artical.

Option 1 is to break the test to have steps less then 800 steps. I did that with the tests, only Test A' has 1300 steps, this is the minimum I can leave.
Option 2 I use 64-bit operating system
Option 3: Оnly this option I have't tried. And I'm not sure if this option will help me?

I attach files with the error and the memory used before test to trow this exception.

Thank you in advance for the answer.



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Telerik team
answered on 13 Sep 2017, 03:26 PM
Hello Boris,

Thank you for all shared details! 

As far as I could understand you have tried the provided solution in Option 3 of the article you referred to - please correct me if I am wrong, Though, I would like to kindly ask you to turn on that flag for ArtOfTest.Runner.exe as well. 

Please also try the provided solution in this article which concerns your scenario exactly. Let me know if any of these was helpful to you. 

Thanks in advance for your cooperation! 

Elena Tsvetkova
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answered on 19 Sep 2017, 01:56 PM

Hi, Elena


I've did the option 3 and got the following:

I turn on the flag for ArtOfTest.Runner.exe with this program (Large Address Aware.exe) that you specified but the test again gives the same error OutOfMemoryExeption. (See Pic: DumpOfArtOfTestRunner.jpg).

In the article is written the following:
2.  Enter “cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Telerik\Test Studio\Bin” and
3.Enter “editbin /LARGEADDRESSAWARE Telerik.TestStudio.Desktop.exe”.

In my folder I don't have this file Telerik.TestStudio.Desktop.exe, I have this Telerik.TestStudio.exe and I try to change his flag but without success.
First I tried to change the flag with the program Large Address Aware.exe but the VS command prompt gives me this message(See: LargeAddressTelerikTestStudio.jpg)
Then I tried with this command: editbin /LARGEADDRESSAWARE Telerik.TestStudio.exe but again with no success.
(See pic: EditBinLargeAddressTelerikStudio.jpg)


I tried the provided solutions in this article :

First solution is to use ReuseAppWindow property. This is for data-driven test. 
My test was not data-driven and I have about 270 extraction steps for all the tests and I thought this might be the problem because they allocate memory.

So I made a parent test who is bind to а XML file and with test as step feature I call the other tests. They inherit the data from the parent test.
My XML file has only 1 row and about 260 columns. This is only one interation for my test and even changing the ReuseAppWindow property it will not help me.
Unfortunately, the test gave me the same error even though I read the most of the data from XML file.

The Second Solution gаve me the answer:

When executing a test in Internet Explorer 9 on a Windows 7 32-bit or Windows XP machine, ArtOfTest.Runner exits unexpectedly, displaying this error.
This error is caused by the Microsoft UI Automation framework, which Test Studio uses to monitor dialogs. To avoid it, enable the DisableDialogMonitoring.

This solution works when I remove the steps for handaling upload and download dialogs from all the tests and enable the DisableDialogMonitoring property for every one of them.

I'am testing in Internet Explorer Version 11.1198.14393.0.

When I run the test in Chrome Version 60.0.3112.113 the whole program closes. (See ViewLog.jpg)

For upload dialaogs I аm using step (Handle 'FileUpload' dialog. - DataDriven: [$(AutoTestFileJPGPath)]).

For downolad dialogs I am using code step because with a simple download step doesn't want to download the file.
This is the code step.

 public void DownloadFile()
     HtmlButton button = Find.ByExpression<HtmlButton>("id=confirmDialog", "|", "class=~confirm");
     Manager.Settings.UnexpectedDialogAction = UnexpectedDialogAction.DoNotHandle;
     DownloadDialogsHandler  dialog = new DownloadDialogsHandler(Manager.ActiveBrowser, DialogButton.SAVE, @"\\Automation tests\file.pdf", Manager.Desktop);
     //Trigger the dialog.


Is there any way I can use upload and download dialogs whitout giving mе OutOfMemoryException in IE.

Thank you for your help!


Telerik team
answered on 22 Sep 2017, 09:28 AM
Hello Boris,

Thank you for all details shared. 

Unfortunately there isn't much further I could advise you. All possible solutions to handle such exceptions are provided at your disposal. What has left is if you could decrease the amount of iterations in the tests. This will decrease the results file size as well as the exceptions faced. 

I suspect that if you manage to turn on the 'LargeAddressAware' for the exe file available for your installation - Telerik.TestStudio.exe - would bring some improvement. Please find some additional info for the listed error here

I hope you will manage to choose a working approach to workaround the occurred issue. 

Thanks in advance for your understanding and cooperation! 

Elena Tsvetkova
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answered on 25 Sep 2017, 01:57 PM
Thank you for your advice and help.

Telerik team
answered on 28 Sep 2017, 07:57 AM
Hi Boris,

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation! If you would need any further assistance on any other topic I would be glad to help/ Thanks! 

Elena Tsvetkova
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