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Telerik scheduler how does it work?

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Martin asked on 31 May 2012, 03:36 PM

I'm looking at the Telerik test scheduler, I haven't got multiple machines available as of right now. So i can't test it my self, but i expect it to be a trivial question:.

When i select a test list and schedule the running and select multiple execution agents will it then:

A: Select the first available agent and complete the entire list against that agent
B: Distribute the tests across the agents for optimal execution speed?

So basically if i get 3 agents and want to utilize them all do i need 3 tests lists setup to run at the same time or do i need 1 big setup to run against all 3 agents?

I'm asking because I'm unsure if i will win anything by buying access to test studio(currently using the framework) over just creating my own test lists and some schedules windows tasks to execute the tests with MSTest.

Looking forward to your answer.

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answered on 31 May 2012, 05:52 PM
Hello Martin,
Both A and B as suggested by your are incorrect. Let's say you have three agents and a single TestList. If you schedule this TestList to run on all three machine - it will simultaneously run on all three.

I don't particularly like this implementation. We'll be introducing some major changes in the Scheduling in the near future so it's likely to change.

Also, Test Studio will give you many other benefits over the Framework apart from Scheduling.

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