I am trying to create a UI test for an ASP.NET web site hosted in SharePoint 2010 using Test Studio. I am using WS2008 and IE10 for testing.
I am having a problem while getting element within an iFrame. This iFrame is created dynamically on click a link and loaded within a HTML page under the current page.
I think that the iFrame is not loaded in the DOM and this is why I am getting error while accessing elements in the iFrame.
Can you please provide me a way to access elements in the iFrame?
PFB, the error I have got in the log file:
Unable to find the target host (Browser/SilverlightApp) to locate an element. Failure waiting for frane '[Frame:id=DlfFrame1bc2fae4-baa8-45e1-9331-88asdlaewrfkdj,name=Frame_2,src=http://contoso.com/_layouts/listform.aspx,UseQuery:False]' time out. Error: Wait for condition has timed out.
Thank you in advance.