Below is an issue I've been getting for about a day now. I've searched through the forums and see similar issues but none of those answers are helping me. Below is the error I'm getting. I'm just trying to enter some text in a text box through the record feature. I have downloaded the error report with the DOM in it if that helps but I didnt want to attach it here would rather send it to an admin directly for help. Any idea what I need to change to make this work?
Unable to find the target host (Browser/SilverlightApp) to locate an element. Failure: Waiting for frame '[Frame:name=Frame_2,src=https://devwebtest.mapcom.com/M4Inventory/,UseQuery:False]' timed out. Error: Wait for condition has timed out
Unable to find the target host (Browser/SilverlightApp) to locate an element. Failure: Waiting for frame '[Frame:name=Frame_2,src=https://devwebtest.mapcom.com/M4Inventory/,UseQuery:False]' timed out. Error: Wait for condition has timed out