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WebUI Test Studio trial version hangs/stalls system

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Kay asked on 24 Feb 2011, 03:43 PM
Good morning,

I have installed the trial version of WebUI Test Studio. At first I was experiencing extremem slowness when recording from my secure web application, so we bumped up my RAM. That seemed to help the automation piece. When I am done recording I return to the Test Studio to save and execute my test. My current test fails because it does not recognize the text I am inserting into my User Name field. So, when I return to WebUI Test Studio to edit my test, at this point my system completely freezes.....I have to Ctrl-Alt-Delete to break free, and do a Restart everytime. This, of course, is very frustrating, and I have not been able to determine what is the cause of this.

Can you assist with the system hanging?

Also, another issue I'm having is my playback not recognizing the fact that I've entered text in my User Name field. At first, it wouldn't even recognize the fact that I was in that field, so I worked around that by tabbing past that field to the next field, then tabbing back to my User Name field. Doing this in my recording at least allowed the playback to acknowledge that I was in the User Name field. So once I have tabbed back to get to the first field on the page, I enter my user name, and continue recording. Once I stop recording and return to Test Studio and execute, it still does not record that I actually put test in that field........when I first tabbed out of the field the recorded test indicates it was in the right field name, but when I actually enter text into that field, the recording automatically changes the name of the placeholder for the text. Is this possible a compatability issue with Infragistics controls?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!


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Telerik team
answered on 02 Mar 2011, 12:18 AM
Hello Kay,

Your system hanging is very abnormal. How much RAM do you have now? The tool usually consumes around 200-400MB of memory depending on the size of your test. The storyboard images for the test currently loaded use most of that memory. Could you try it on another machine and see if it behaves better?

What type of application are you testing? Is it Silverlight or HTML based? Could you clarify what you mean by "my playback not recognizing the fact that I've entered text in my User Name field"? What is the symptom? Do you not see the text being entered during playback? Or do you get some sort of a login error? What sort of test step is entering the text? Is it a SetText step or something difference? Could you send us a copy of your test you're having trouble with and point out the step number that is giving your trouble?

Some web applications require you to tab out of the text field before the app will recognize the text has been entered. When the input field loses focus it fires an internal event which causes them to perform input validation on the data. If this validation doesn't occur the app behaves like nothing was entered even though you can visually see data in the textbox. Does your website use jQuery? We don't normally fire the jQuery onchange event, but we can show you how in a coded step if this is what you're dealing with.

The more you describe the symptoms you are getting, and include actual test logs the better we can assist you with overcoming these problems. Is there anyway we can get direct access to your application? Then we'll be able to study the problems you are dealing with and provide direct and proven solutions for you.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team
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answered on 25 Apr 2012, 07:24 PM
Hi, Telerik Support,

My company is evaluating the test studio tool and we've experienced the same slowness/issue that Kay is saying on this thread.
Here is a typical example:

1. We have an excel spreadsheet contains 1 column (URL), with 1000 rows of urls
2. We created a datasource and bind it to a simple test (1 step, verify each URL is valid), set to continue when fail
3. When we execute the test, it always hung at the 186 rows and we have to abort it, didn't even have a chance to see the result
4. We have 4GB RAM, 2.4 GHz processor; is there any global settings required?


Telerik team
answered on 25 Apr 2012, 11:32 PM
Hello Terri,

A test with that many data rows may encounter memory issues deep into execution. Use the ReuseAppWindow feature available in the Test Properties. This defines the number of iterations to reuse the browser window for a single test.

By default, zero keeps the same application open during the entire data driven test. Increasing that number can help to improve memory and performance. If you change it to 50, for example, the browser will close and reopen after each fiftieth iteration.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team
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