I have a functional component which includes a FirmaListesi component to set seciliFirma state and a Form component which edits the selected seciliFirma object. FirmaListesi component includes only a KendoReact Combobox. When I select a Firma object from that component, I want Form component's Field to update its value. However it doesn't happen which occurs with an ordinary Input component.
Am I doing something wrong?
Kind regards.
const FirmaEkle = () => {
const [firma, setFirma] = useState({ adi:
} as Firma);
const firmalar = useTypedSelector((state) => state.firma.firmalar);
const seciliFirma = useTypedSelector((state) => state.firma.seciliFirma);
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const firmaEkle = () => {
dispatch(updateFirma([...firmalar, { adi:
, id: 2 }]));
const handleSubmit = async () => {
await FirmaKaydet(firma);
render={(formRenderProps) => (
<FormElement style={{ width: 400 }}>
<fieldset className=
<legend className={
}>Firma Bilgileri</legend>
<Field id={
} name={
} label=
"Firma Adı"
<Button type=
{seciliFirma ?
<Button onClick={() => alert(seciliFirma.adi)}>Deneme1</Button>