We're trying to add multiple summary rows to a gridview, similar to the single ones being added here:
Using that example, I added one total, but can't figure out how to add the others that I need: The example code below just shows a total for TotalTax, but not the others. Can you point me to any documentation that shows how to do this? Thanks, Evan
Me.RGV_RIA_Input_Summary.MasterTemplate.ShowTotals = True
Dim summaryItem As New GridViewSummaryItem()
Dim summaryItemState As New GridViewSummaryItem("State", "{0}", GridAggregateFunction.Last)
Dim summaryItemTotalTax As New GridViewSummaryItem("TotalTax", "Total Tax = {0}", GridAggregateFunction.Sum)
Dim summaryItemGrossSales As New GridViewSummaryItem("GrossSales", "Total Gross Sales = {0}", GridAggregateFunction.Sum)
Dim summaryItemExemptionAmount As New GridViewSummaryItem("ExemptionAmount", "Total Exempt = {0}", GridAggregateFunction.Sum)
Dim summaryItemTotalTaxableSales As New GridViewSummaryItem("TotalTaxableSales", "Total Taxable = {0}", GridAggregateFunction.Sum)
Dim summaryRowItem2 As New GridViewSummaryRowItem(New GridViewSummaryItem() {summaryItemState, summaryItemTotalTax, summaryItemGrossSales, summaryItemExemptionAmount, summaryItemTotalTaxableSales})