Hello! I'm new to the panorama and didn't dive into the code yet, so I might ask some foolish question - sorry in advance.
Question 1. I see in the panorama demo that if the user drags and drop the tiles, changing their order and position, the rest of the tiles are automatically rearranged. Is this done in the demo code, or is it a method of the panorama?
Is it possible to rearrange automatically the tiles after changing the size of on of the tiles? (I saw a thread where it was said that we have to do it manually, but it was in 2014, so maybe...)
Question 2. Is it possible for the user to resize the tiles with the mouse - drag from the right bottom corner for example? I guess if it is not an option of the control, there are still some other possibilities-we can check MouseOver, see if the position of the mouse is at the corner of a tile, change the cursor to indicate this<->, manage mouse click etc