Dear Supprot Team,
I have a tricky task to do, and i cant figure out how to approach. On the below screenshot you can see two grids (marked with red arrow)
They have one common key, the 'ITEM CODE'. I have to keep these grids in sync from sorting and filtering and scrolling point of view, and in 2 of 3 i could solve. I can keep sync between scrollbars, i can also filter the rows based on any column of the both grid, but im in trouble iwth the sorting.
If i sort by ITEM CODE in any of the both grid, it sorts the other grid too perfectly, i achieved it with this simple line:
But the rest of the column names are different, and if i sort by any of them it doenst reflect on the other.
With other words, if i sort by 'STOCK' for example on the left grid (rgv_RAWMAT) then it will result a kinda random ordering in the
'ITEM CODE' column here, and it wont reflect the 'ITEM CODE' column and the others either of the right grid (rgv_COVERAGE).
Please help me how can i achieve that soring aplies on the opposite side to (by the key-column: ITEM CODE), independently of which columnheader i clicked to.
Million thanks