Good morning,
I would like to ask three questions concerning your radWebCam control.
1. We're using it within an application running on a Windows 10 tablet and I would like to ask if it's possible to move the control panel to the left or right side to have it vertical? As our tablet is pretty heavy (it's a Dell Latitude 7212 for rough environments), the usability of our app would improve a lot if our workers could keep their tablet in both hands while taking a photo.
2. Regarding the use on a tablet, I wanted to enlarge the control panel of the camera as well as the buttons on it. I noticed a kind of strange behaviour when I change the Control Panel Height via the smart tag. As soon as I modify this value to something else than 30, the camera doesn't launch anymore and VS 2019 says, that the application is in break mode due tu a System.InvalidOperationException that was thrown within External Code. Is that maybe related to the video format or to other parameters that I set when launching the camera? I attached you my demo project, you can download it here:
3. We would like to add a button to swap the camera (front and back). I just dragged a radButton with this functionality onto the control panel of the webcam and anchored it to the bottom. It works fine but the only problem which is left is that I would like to disable or hide this button when the user took a picture and has the choice of saving or discarding it. The event "SnapshotTaken" is fired only after clicking on the disc to save the snapshot. But how can I "catch" this state of the photo preview before saving it?
Thank you in advance for your help and have a nice day!