I have a Grid component with a custom cell property. The input field for the cell is determined dynamically depending on a different field type input. So for example if the dataType is 'string" I display a simple input field, if it is 'enum' I display a NumericTextBox.
The grid and the determination of the input field can be seen here:
This is NOT a working application because it is just too big to put here in its full glory... In the index.tsx from line 200 to 251 you see the implementation of the cell ("ValueCell") and in the file CustomInputFields you can find the ChannelTypeInput component. As the FieldRenderProps require a onFocus and onBlur handler, I tried to implement that myself but I guess this is not enough to handle them.
This works perfectly but the issue is that if I try to type into the Input or NumericTextBox, it loses focus after every character and I have to click into it again. How can I get rid of this behavior?
Another question is: The NumericTextBox also allows negative values. Can I somehow specify that only positive values can be added?