I'm currently building a material library tool using Telerik's RadListView. I pretty much got it near exactly what I'm after. However, I'm having some trouble with the last feature, and I'm hoping someone can provide some insight.
What I'd like to do is add an icon to the top left-hand corner of each item that will represent their category.
So far, using the following code and a bit of trickery with HTML markup, my ListView Items currently look like this.
(Written in C++)
//Create a new ListView Item
Item = gcnew ListViewDataItem();
//Generate HTML Label
String^ Label = "<html><strong>" + Name + "</strong><br><span style=\"color:f5f5f5\"><i>" + Latin + "</i></span></html>";
Item->Text = Label;
Item->TextAlignment = ContentAlignment::MiddleCenter;
Item->TextImageRelation = Windows::Forms::TextImageRelation::ImageAboveText;
//Load the Thumbnail
String^ thumbnailPath = Path + "\\" + ThumbPath;
Item->Image = Image::FromFile(thumbnailPath);
Item->ImageAlignment = ContentAlignment::TopCenter;
However, what I'd like to achieve is this:
I was hoping there was a Background Image property for ListViewDataItem. However, that doesn't seem to be the case. Is there a clever trick to achieve this? Or is my only option to create a Custom ListViewDataItem as described here? https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/winforms/controls/listview/custom-items