I need to build a treeview kind of feature where I can dynamically add child nodes .when user click parent node a button can be used to add child nodes. Something like below attached snapshot. I surfed for examples but couldn't make out. Kindly share some reference to achieve this.
1 Answer, 1 is accepted
Telerik team
answered on 15 Mar 2023, 05:49 PM
Hello, Nithya,
Thank you for the provided screenshot.
You can achieve this by rendering an external Button under the TreeView which opens a Window component. In the Window component, you can render an Input and update the data with the entered input value.
In the below example, I am rendering a Button that opens a Window component in its `onClick` handler. The button is shown when a parent node is clicked, and removed when a child item is clicked. I achieved this using the TreeView onItemClick handler. In addition, the opened Window contains an Input, and a submit button that calls the `handleSubmit` event which updates the data with the entered input value based on the parent name.
Now that I want to make child as sub parent and add child nodes to that. I will explore and try out on this. Will reach out if any issues on the same :)
Telerik team
commented on 16 Mar 2023, 12:53 PM
You are welcome, Nithya! I will be glad to help if you need any assistance on this matter.