After updating to 7.0.2 all my kendo react packages i have noticed that my form don't reset values in fields when calling formRenderProps.onFormReset(). Previously on versions 5.19.0 it worked like a charm, i would just call onFormReset and all values would be cleared in all the fields.
I have managed to solve the issue with the key state but it feels like a hack and a workaround since that triggers a rerender and there is a function built in to solve that. I also don't like the ref approach because I can't type the ref in TS. All in all, the best would be if formRenderProps.onFormReset would work like before and clear all the values in all the fields.
Here is demo from your page with all 7.0.2 and it doesn't clear the values:
Form 7.0.2
Here is same example i just changed the @progress/kendo-react-form to version: 5.19.0 and it clears the values:
Form 5.19.0
Best regards.