I have run into several issues with the RadGanttView object
that I am hoping someone else has run into as well so that they can either
share experience to overcome these issues or at least tell me if perhaps these
are issues that are being worked on.
Issue 1: When adding items to the GanttView new objects do
not display on the Gantt view until some sort of refresh is forced, for example
collapsing and expanding one of the items.
Issue 1 Notes:
I notice this in my own project as well as the Telerik Theme
Viewer example under GanttView. When all of the Items are expanded, and a new
task is added it will not be displayed until any Item is collapsed and expanded
again. (this is noticeable most when there are enough items that there is need
to scroll down to work with the desired Item.) I notice that a new Item seems
to be loaded off the view-able area of the GanttView near the bottom, but the
control will not allow further scrolling downward to get to the newly created
item. When I collapse and expand any element, the scroll bar auto resizes, and
I am able to scroll down to the newly created item. (Under this particular
circumstance I do not seem to experience the same issue with being auto
scrolled to the top of the Gantt Chart as explained in more detail below in Issue
Issue 2: When adding Items to the Ganttview the addition of
an item causes the GanttView to scroll to the top.
Issue 2 Notes:
I notice in my own project and also the Telerik Theme Viewer
example under GanttView, that if I have enough Items in the Gantt chart that if
I scroll to the bottom or even about halfway down and add a new Sibling or
Child that the GanttView will automatically scroll to the top of the view. I
have looked for a way to be able to save the current scroll location then load
that position back in after an “add operation,” but do not see a non read-only property
that allows me to do this.
Issue 3: When adding the First Child to a root level Item on
the GanttView where all of the root level items are collapsed, the item will be
added, the GanttView will scroll to the top of the Gantt chart, and then
clicking anywhere in the GanttView Graphical element will crash the program
(clicking in the GanttView Text Element seems to not cause an immediate crash).
Issue 3 Notes:
To be able to more easily see the project at hand all root
level items in the GanttView were collapsed. A new Root level item was added.
To that root level item a new child was added. This causes all elements to
expand, the GanttView to scroll to the top of the view, and upon clicking in
the graphical side of the GanttView (specifically clicking on the scroll bar to
scroll back down) the program crashes.
It should be noted that I add these children and root
elements to the Gantt chart programmatically rather than using the GanttView
right-click context menu inside my project. I seem to be unable to exactly
recreate the same events inside the Telerik Theme Viewer Application so far.
Interestingly, when going
through the same procedure, but with all of the root elements expanded I do not
seem to experience the same issue.
Other issues: I have some other issues related specifically to the GanttView object, but I will hold off on asking them for the time being so as not to overwhelm anyone (I hope). Any information, experience or knowledge of future plans (if these are known, but as yet unaddressed issues) would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time and effort.
Yours with gratitude,