Sorry for the question, but I'm confused. We use React Grid (5.12.0) together with Column menu filter and row filter. I have a problem if the filter is of type [date].
We store the date in the ISO type without Zulu time in the database. After refreshing the page, if the column menu filter of the date type tries to consume a date in the format: [YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS], the whole page crashes. This happens when I want to edit or delete a date value. Column menu filter is closed and I don't know how to force the filter to process the given format. Filter data is complex, we use both row filter and column filter together. Iterating everything and formatting the data is difficult. If I define the format above the column, it does not help. How can I solve it?
Here are the screen errors:
Another problem is why the code crashes with this error. I would expect the date picker to display an empty field and the console to report a warning.
Thank you