Normally in radlistview with multi Rows and Columns I can use arrowkey to move between subitems but my intention is to use tab to move faster, I wrote this code but it didn't work (using tabkey to activate arrowkey)
My initial idea was to locate the subitems (via the current column and the current listviewdataitem however I didn't know how to activate the subitems) like using vba to activate a certain cell in excel: Cells ( 1,1) .activate but I haven't found this function yet
Can you tell me can do it or not?
thanks you.
My initial idea was to locate the subitems (via the current column and the current listviewdataitem however I didn't know how to activate the subitems) like using vba to activate a certain cell in excel: Cells ( 1,1) .activate but I haven't found this function yet
Can you tell me can do it or not?
thanks you.
Private Sub RadListview_PreviewKeyDown(sender As Object, e As PreviewKeyDownEventArgs) Handles RadListview.PreviewKeyDown
If Not (e.Modifiers = Keys.Shift) AndAlso e.KeyCode = Keys.Tab Then
My.Computer.Keyboard.SendKeys("{right}", True)
ElseIf e.Modifiers = Keys.Shift AndAlso e.KeyCode = Keys.Tab Then
End If
End Sub