We are trying to customize component level theming using Kendo SAAS based monorepo shared. We are trying to customize primary and secondary color for our application in "_variable.scss". Problem is, its only taking actual color name (like blue or red...) and not hexadecimal color format(#007AB4) or equivalent RGB color format like rgb(0,122,180). Please refer below screenshot.
However most of the other SAAS variables are accepting hexadecimal color notations. Could you please suggest how to customize?
Also, Currently we are searching for component level SAAS variables for component level behavior by using developer tools and trying to find the same in Component level layout.scss or theme.scss files and updating those. Building the repository to generate all.css and referring the same in our application.
This is laborious work and taking lot of time. Is there any easy way to do component level theme or layout customization?
Please suggest.