We use RadDock.SaveToXml and LoadFromXml to store the current dock state of our WinForms application.
We have a problem that if a user floats a ToolWindow and then reattaches it and then the RadDock SaveToXml is called a new ToolTabStrip appears to be created. This means that when a new ToolWindow is added to the ToolTabStrip (found by name), it is adding the ToolWindow to the wrong ToolTabStrip and the new ToolWindow cannot be seen.
I am wondering how to fix this and think the best way would be to use an event triggered on re-docking to place the ToolWindow being re-docked in the correct ToolTabStrip. Is there any suggested way to do this or any other solution?
Before floating and re-docking the ToolWindow:
<Telerik.WinControls.UI.Docking.ToolTabStrip SelectedIndex="0" CanUpdateChildIndex="True" Size="200, 994" Location="1, 1" CausesValidation="False" Name="toolTabStrip_Navigation" TabIndex="2" TabStop="False">
<SizeInfo SplitterCorrection="0, 0" AutoSizeScale="0, 0" />
<Telerik.WinControls.UI.Docking.ToolWindow Caption="" AllowedDockState="Docked, Hidden, AutoHide, Floating" PreviousDockState="Docked" Name="twNavigation" Size="192, 960" Location="4, 30" AccessibleDescription="Explorer" AccessibleName="Explorer" Font="Microsoft Sans Serif, 8.25pt" Text="Explorer" />
After re-docking the ToolWindow:
<Telerik.WinControls.UI.Docking.ToolTabStrip SelectedIndex="0" CanUpdateChildIndex="True" Size="200, 994" Location="1, 1" Name="DockTabStrip3" TabIndex="4" TabStop="False"><SizeInfo SplitterCorrection="0, 0" AutoSizeScale="0, 0" />
<Telerik.WinControls.UI.Docking.ToolWindow Caption="" AllowedDockState="Docked, Hidden, AutoHide, Floating" PreviousDockState="Docked" Name="twNavigation" Size="192, 960" Location="4, 30" AccessibleDescription="Explorer" AccessibleName="Explorer" Font="Microsoft Sans Serif, 8.25pt" Text="Explorer" />
<Telerik.WinControls.UI.Docking.ToolTabStrip CanUpdateChildIndex="True" Size="200, 994" Location="1, 1" CausesValidation="False" Name="toolTabStrip_Navigation" RightToLeft="No" TabIndex="2" TabStop="False">
<SizeInfo SplitterCorrection="0, 0" AutoSizeScale="0, 0" />