PDF loads correctly but pages are getting double if user clicks on any of the zoom option first time. But download pdf with the correct number of pages. Below is the reference code:
import * as React from "react";
import { PDFViewer, PDFViewerTool } from "@progress/kendo-react-pdf-viewer";
import { SampleFileBase64 } from "./base64Sample";
export const DocumentViewer = (props: any) => {
const pdfViewerTools: PDFViewerTool[] = ["pager", "spacer", "zoomInOut", "zoom", "selection", "search", "open", "download", "print"];
return (
style={{ height: 500 }}
Hello, Surender,
I tried to replicate the reported behavior but the pages count remains correct at my end after zooming. Can you test the sample I used for my test below and see whether you are facing the same issue with it?
If so, please, share the exact reproduction steps with me so i can examine the problem further.