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Kendo UI for jQuery Forum
3 answers
We need your feedback, because we are considering changes in the release approach for Kendo UI for jQuery. Please provide your feedback in the comments section below:

1. Is it hard to understand the version numbers of our releases? If yes, what makes them hard to understand them?

2. Would semantic versioning (SemVer) of our releases make it easier to understand our version numbers and what's behind them?

3. If we go with SemVer, we might need to start with version 3000.0.0 as we currently use 2022.x.x. Please share your thoughts about this approach and ideas for what number versioning would work best for you.

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 answered on 23 Jun 2023
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1 view


I am trying to use ListView with Buttons inside a Tabstrip. I want the user to be able to select an item to view a report.
As part of this list, I want a clickable hamburger button for the user to open up a popover menu for additional settings.

This setup works for all browsers when I do not perform the "filter" function. However on Firefox (only), using this filter function on the ListView causes my Kendo buttons inside the list to suddenly not fire the onClick handlers.

      filters: [
        { field: "Document_Number", operator: "contains", value: "J82901" }

On Chrome and Edge, the Kendo buttons work just fine even after this filter. On Firefox however, I notice that the Kendo buttons are unformatted and do not respond to the click events when logging output in the console.

To reproduce the issue, I have provided the following dojo code: Sandbox Code here


Here is a sample image of the output: I have a Tabstrip with a ListView nested within. Each ListView entry has a button attached to it via a template. On click, the button should fire the click handler and print output to the console. (And a popover in the future)

Any help to get this working on Firefox would be greatly appreciated! This is an older version of Kendo UI (Sept 2021).


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Rank 1
 updated question on 29 Apr 2024
0 answers
1 view

Hi. This issue can be replicated in the Telerik dojo for the jQuery Slider.

When tabbing to the decrease and increase buttons and pressing space to invoke the action, nothing happens. I can see the graphical affect of the button being pushed but there is no change in value of the slider.

Tabbing onto the central slider value and moving left and right using the arrow keys works as expected.

Here's what I reckon should happen when using the keyboard with the slider: When the user tabs to the increase/decrease button to give it focus, a press of the spacebar activates the button. The slider value should change accordingly and the focus should stay on the button.

Strangely, when NVDA is active, tabbing to the increase or decrease buttons and pressing spacebar key works the first time. It then shifts focus to the slider itself and I have to start using the left and right arrows instead.

Any thoughts on how to work around this as the built in events are not triggered?

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Rank 1
 asked on 29 Apr 2024
1 answer
I have a kendo multi-select with a list of items sorted by name (Alaska, California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia...). When a user selects items, I want them to be displayed at the top of the list the next time the list is opened (not to move during the select process). For example, if the user selects Delaware and Florida the new order should be: Delaware (selected), Florida (selected), Alaska, California, Georgia. How would I accomplish this? Note, if it makes a difference, some of my lists are virtualized and some are not. It depends on how many reasonable options I could have. All are using a local JSON data source.
Georgi Denchev
Telerik team
 answered on 29 Apr 2024
0 answers

Hi Team,

Please see below dojo.

MVVM changes since 2023 have broken our app in a lot of places, but we're left with very little docs about which parts are impacted.

Values init with 'null' stopped working since upgrade to 2023 (csp changes again?). Same changes work if the values are init with 'undefined' instead. Please check if we're doing something incorrectly.


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Rank 1
 asked on 29 Apr 2024
0 answers


Hello Telerik Community,

I'm encountering an issue with my Kendo Chart implementation where certain data points are not displaying on the line series, despite being present in the dataset. Here's a breakdown of the problem and my current setup:


- Some data points, specifically those corresponding to the dates November 26 and November 28/29, are not showing up on the line chart.
- However, these dates are appearing correctly in the category legend.


- I'm using Kendo Chart to visualize historical pool data.
- Data is fetched from a database and processed in the controller before being passed to the Razor view for rendering.
- Each manufacturer's data is plotted on the chart as separate line series, with the x-axis representing dates and the y-axis representing weight.

Relevant Code

- Controller Code: I've provided the relevant controller code responsible for fetching and processing the data.
- Razor View Code: Similarly, I've included the Razor view code where the Kendo Chart is defined and configured.

Expected Outcome

- I expect the line chart to display all data points, including those for November 27 and November 29, for each manufacturer.

Steps Taken

- I've checked the data in the controller, and it seems that all data points are correctly fetched from the database.
- I've inspected the generated HTML for the chart and confirmed that the missing data points are indeed not being rendered.

Request for Assistance

- Could you please review my setup and help me identify any potential issues causing the missing data points?
- Additionally, if you have any suggestions for troubleshooting or debugging this issue further, I would greatly appreciate it.

Additional Information

- Framework: ASP.NET MVC- Browser: Chrome, Edge

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

public ActionResult ChartTMS(DateTime? fromDate, DateTime? toDate, string unit = "gm")
            fromDate = fromDate?.Date;
            toDate = toDate.HasValue ? toDate.Value.Date.AddDays(1).AddTicks(-1) : DateTime.Today;
            if (!fromDate.HasValue || !toDate.HasValue)
                fromDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-6);
                toDate = DateTime.Today;
            var allMeasurements = (
                from m in db.Target_Measurement_History.AsNoTracking()
                where m.Measurement_Record_Date >= fromDate.Value && m.Measurement_Record_Date <= toDate.Value
&& m.Target_Lot_Profile != null
&& m.Target_Lot_Profile.Target_Item != null
&& m.Target_Lot_Profile.Target_Item.Target_Manufacturer != null
                select new MeasurementDataViewModel
                    Measurement_Record_Date = m.Measurement_Record_Date,
                    Pt_Remaining_Gms = m.Pt_Remaining_Gms,
                    Ru_Remaining_Gms = m.Ru_Remaining_Gms,
                    Manufacturer = m.Target_Lot_Profile.Target_Item.Target_Manufacturer,
            var manufacturers = allMeasurements.Select(m => m.Manufacturer).Distinct();
            var colorMap = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            Random rand = new Random();
            foreach (var manufacturer in manufacturers)
                colorMap[manufacturer] = $"#{rand.Next(0x1000000):X6}";
            var groupedData = allMeasurements
                .GroupBy(m => new { m.Measurement_Record_Date.Date, m.Manufacturer })
                .Select(group => new MeasurementDataViewModel
                    Measurement_Record_Date = group.Key.Date,
                    Pt_Remaining_Gms = group.Sum(item => item.Pt_Remaining_Gms),
                    Ru_Remaining_Gms = group.Sum(item => item.Ru_Remaining_Gms),
                    Manufacturer = group.Key.Manufacturer,
                    Color = colorMap[group.Key.Manufacturer]
                .OrderBy(g => g.Measurement_Record_Date)
                .ThenBy(g => g.Manufacturer)
            const float gramsPerTroyOunce = 31.1035f;
            if (unit == "t oz")
                foreach (var item in groupedData)
                    if (item.Pt_Remaining_Gms.HasValue)
                        item.Pt_Remaining_Gms = item.Pt_Remaining_Gms.Value / gramsPerTroyOunce;
                    if (item.Ru_Remaining_Gms.HasValue)
                        item.Ru_Remaining_Gms = item.Ru_Remaining_Gms.Value / gramsPerTroyOunce;
            ViewBag.fromDate = fromDate;
            ViewBag.toDate = toDate;
            ViewBag.Unit = unit;
            return View(groupedData);

    public class MeasurementDataViewModel
        public DateTime Measurement_Record_Date { get; set; }
        public float? Pt_Remaining_Gms { get; set; }
        public float? Ru_Remaining_Gms { get; set; }
        public string Manufacturer { get; set; }
        public string Color { get; set; }

        "Measurement_Record_Date": "/Date(1542823200000)/",
        "Pt_Remaining_Gms": 4370,
        "Ru_Remaining_Gms": 5621,
        "Manufacturer": "JX Nippon"
        "Measurement_Record_Date": "/Date(1542823200000)/",
        "Pt_Remaining_Gms": 4571,
        "Ru_Remaining_Gms": 4295,
        "Manufacturer": "Kojundo/Mitsui"
        "Measurement_Record_Date": "/Date(1543168800000)/",
        "Pt_Remaining_Gms": 1785,
        "Ru_Remaining_Gms": 7086,
        "Manufacturer": "JX Nippon"
        "Measurement_Record_Date": "/Date(1543255200000)/",
        "Pt_Remaining_Gms": 36432,
        "Ru_Remaining_Gms": 41800,
        "Manufacturer": "Kurt J. Lesker"
        "Measurement_Record_Date": "/Date(1543428000000)/",
        "Pt_Remaining_Gms": 76360,
        "Ru_Remaining_Gms": 74687,
        "Manufacturer": "Kurt J. Lesker"
        "Measurement_Record_Date": "/Date(1543428000000)/",
        "Pt_Remaining_Gms": 11138,
        "Ru_Remaining_Gms": 9686,
        "Manufacturer": "Materion"
        "Measurement_Record_Date": "/Date(1543428000000)/",
        "Pt_Remaining_Gms": 1329,
        "Ru_Remaining_Gms": 4796,
        "Manufacturer": "Mitsubishi"

@using Kendo.Mvc.UI
@using System.Web.Mvc
@using System.Web.Mvc.Html
@using Kendo.Mvc.Extensions
@model IEnumerable<TMS_RND.Controllers.MeasurementDataViewModel>
@using System.Web.Helpers
    ViewBag.Title = "Chart";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
    DateTime startDate = ViewBag.fromDate ?? DateTime.Today.AddDays(-6);
    DateTime endDate = ViewBag.toDate ?? DateTime.Today;
    string currentUnit = ViewBag.Unit ?? "gm";
    var manufacturers = Model
        .GroupBy(m => m.Manufacturer)
        .Select(g => new
            Manufacturer = g.Key,
            Color = g.First().Color
<div class="demo-section wide">
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center;">
            From: @(Html.Kendo().DatePicker().Name("fromDate").Value(startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")))
            To: @(Html.Kendo().DatePicker().Name("toDate").Value(endDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")))
<button id="refreshChart">Refresh Chart</button>
<button id="clearFilter">Clear</button>
<button id="toggleUnit">@(currentUnit == "gm" ? "Switch to Troy oz" : "Switch to gm")</button>
<button class="tab" id="totalPoolTab">Total Pool</button>
<button class="tab" id="tmsTab" style="background-color: lightblue;">TMS</button>
            @foreach (var manufacturer in manufacturers)
<span style="color:@manufacturer.Color">@manufacturer.Manufacturer</span>
<div id="chartContainer">
            .Title("Historical Pool Data")
            .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "height: 400px;" })
            .Legend(legend => legend.Position(ChartLegendPosition.Bottom))
            .SeriesDefaults(seriesDefaults => seriesDefaults.Line().Stack(false))
            .Series(series => {
                foreach (var manufacturer in manufacturers)
                    var manufacturerData = Model.Where(m => m.Manufacturer == manufacturer.Manufacturer).ToList();
                    series.Line(manufacturerData.Select(m => m.Pt_Remaining_Gms))
                          .Name("Pt - " + manufacturer.Manufacturer)
                          .Labels(labels => labels.Visible(true).Format("{0:N2} " + currentUnit));
                    series.Line(manufacturerData.Select(m => m.Ru_Remaining_Gms))
                          .Name("Ru - " + manufacturer.Manufacturer)
                          .Labels(labels => labels.Visible(true).Format("{0:N2} " + currentUnit));
            .CategoryAxis(axis => axis.Categories(Model.Select(m => m.Measurement_Record_Date.ToString("dd MMM yyyy")).Distinct()))
            .ValueAxis(axis => axis.Numeric()
                .Line(line => line.Visible(false))
                .Title("Weight (" + currentUnit + ")"))
            .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip.Visible(true).Format("{0:N2} " + currentUnit))
    $(document).ready(function () {
        function toISOStringWithMidday(date) {
            var localDate = new Date(date);
            localDate.setHours(12, 0, 0, 0);
            var offset = localDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
            var localMidday = new Date(localDate.getTime() - offset);
            return localMidday.toISOString();
        $("#refreshChart").click(function () {
        $("#toggleUnit").click(function () {
            var newUnit = '@currentUnit' == 'gm' ? 't oz' : 'gm';
        $("#clearFilter").click(function () {
            window.location.href = '@Url.Action("ChartTMS", "Target_Measurement_History")';
        function refreshChart(newUnit) {
            var selectedFromDate = $("#fromDate").data("kendoDatePicker").value();
            var selectedToDate = $("#toDate").data("kendoDatePicker").value();
            var unitParam = newUnit || '@currentUnit';
            if (selectedFromDate && selectedToDate) {
                var difference = Math.abs(selectedToDate.getTime() - selectedFromDate.getTime());
                if (difference > 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) {
                    alert("Please select a date range within 7 days.");
                var fromDateStr = toISOStringWithMidday(selectedFromDate);
                var toDateStr = toISOStringWithMidday(selectedToDate);
                window.location.href = '@Url.Action("ChartTMS", "Target_Measurement_History")' + '?fromDate=' + fromDateStr + '&toDate=' + toDateStr + '&unit=' + unitParam;
            } else {
                alert("Please select both from and to dates.");
        $("#totalPoolTab").click(function() {
            window.location.href = '@Url.Action("Chart", "Target_Measurement_History")';
        $("#tmsTab").click(function() {
            window.location.href = '@Url.Action("ChartTMS", "Target_Measurement_History")';
        $("#tmsTab").css("background-color", "lightblue");
        $(".tab").click(function() {
            $(".tab").css("background-color", "");
            $(this).css("background-color", "lightblue");

S M Rahiyan
Top achievements
Rank 1
 asked on 29 Apr 2024
0 answers

Hi, with angular Kendo 14++ we lost the Icon Class. But now how I can  cutomize treeview custom drag template?

I whant to add the k-i-cancel icon on some specific node. In the pass I was using:

<ng-template kendoTreeViewDragClueTemplate let-action="action" let-sourceItem="sourceItem"
    let-destinationItem="destinationItem" let-text="text">
    <span class="k-drag-status k-icon" [ngClass]="getDragStatus(action, sourceItem, destinationItem)"></span>
    <span>{{ text }}</span>


Then in the getDragStatus I can do the logic and push the correct icon in ngClass.

For now I remove the template because I lost all the other icon like (add, insert, ... )

Its just for visual help, because I validate the drop in the "nodeDrop" fonction.


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Rank 2
 asked on 26 Apr 2024
2 answers
I have been asked to add tooltips to a dropdownlist so a user can see more details about an item before selecting it. I found this solution but it doesn't work right on touch devices. When you touch the screen, it selects the item, closes the list, and displays the tooltip until you click somewhere else on the screen. I kind of think maybe there should be a separate button for showing the tooltip vs selecting the item. How would I achieve this?
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Rank 2
 updated answer on 25 Apr 2024
1 answer

Hi team,

I need to know the real status of CSP for jQuery kendo UI.

Sorry but documentation is unclear.  Ok for the unsafe-eval directive. But what about the unsafe-inline directive for script-src AND style-src?


Thank you,



Telerik team
 answered on 25 Apr 2024
1 answer

Any ideas?

I have this basically:

...and then a call to an API. The pop-up window doesn't open until the asynchronous call to an  API has returned a value. Granted I am using an older jQuery $.ajax call for this....buuut I find it hard to believe that this doesn't work.  How can I bring up my dialog or pop-up window, give it the focus, and close it AFTER the response has comeback with data to populate my grid?

Looking for something like this:

to appear prior to the API call... but the focus is locked on the drop down list I guess? Is there anyway to free the lock on the drop down list and give the focus to this kendoWindow element?


Telerik team
 answered on 25 Apr 2024
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