I've run into an issue when using both grouping and a custom cell with a react grid. A new column seems to be created in the grouping row, and the other rows are pushed to the left, which causes the headers to no longer line up.
Here's a link to a fork of the grouping example from the docs, with a custom cell added that shows this: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-t9ce44?file=app%2Fmain.js
Did I miss something, or is it bugged?
In a react grid, i have an editable text field. I discovered that the whole grid was re-rendered after each keystroke. Depending on the size of the grid and its complexity, this may slow down the cell edition.
Is it possible to only re-render the edited cell ? How can I speed up cell edition ?
Step to reproduce:
Case 1:
1. Go to documentation page: https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/dropdowns/multiselect/filtering/
2. Type “ar” symbols
Actual result: Focused element is Bulgaria instead Armenia
Expected result: The first element in list focused - Armenia
Case 2:
1. Go to documentation page: https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/dropdowns/multiselect/filtering/
2. Type “ary” - Hungary is suggested
3. Remove "y" to search "ar"
Actual result: There is no selected element
Expected result: The first element in list focused - Armenia
Is there a way to fix this behaviour?
Do we have any combine control for datetime picker? I checked in website and found that there are two different controls one for date and one for time i.e. datepicker and timepicker.
But in my case, I want only one control where I can add date and time manually as well as through calender and time selector.
I am working with a kendo react grid, and i need to implement to open a menu by right clicking on any cell. By using onContextMenu on the cell render, I am able to open a popup:
cellRender(tdElement, cellProps) {
const dataItem = cellProps.dataItem;
const field = cellProps.field;
const additionalProps = (cellProps.dataItem[this.editFieldName] && (cellProps.field === cellProps.dataItem[this.editFieldName])) ?
ref: (td) => {
const input = td && td.querySelector('input');
if (!input || (input === document.activeElement)) { return; }
if (input.type === 'checkbox') {
} else {
} : {
onClick: () => { this.enterEdit(dataItem, field); },
onContextMenu: (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.onContextMenu(e, dataItem, field); }
return React.cloneElement(tdElement, { ...tdElement.props, ...additionalProps }, tdElement.props.children);
Is it possible for a Popup to detect that it has lost the focus, and then set show property to false ?
Best regards.
PS: Maybe there is a better solution to implement a context menu ?
I have seen a real time chart demo for Kendo UI for Jquery
Is there a similar example of a real time chart for the Kendo Components for React?
Hello Telerik,
I need insert multiselect in dialog, but result not fine: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-2dnqba?file=app/main.js , because multiselect dropdown is show under dialog window. How do I do it?
Thank you Pavel
I want to display a kendo react grid with in cell editing. Two of these columns should display a dropdown list when cells are editing. I cannot make it work. I started with:
And then added a custom cell based upon:
My issue is that when i click on any cell of on of these two "special" columns, nothings happens.
The grid is defined by:
return (
<Column field="TypeMO" title="TypeMO" cell={(props) => <CustomCell {...props} values={this.state.derogDataValues} />} />
The custom cell is defined by
export default class CustomCell extends GridCell {
handleChange(e) {
dataItem: this.props.dataItem,
field: this.props.field,
syntheticEvent: e.syntheticEvent,
value: e.target.value
render() {
const dataValue = this.props.dataItem[this.props.field];
if (!this.props.dataItem.inEdit || this.props.dataItem.inEdit !== this.props.field) {
return (
{!dataValue || dataValue === null ? '' : dataValue.toString()}
return (
in edit
"in edit" is never displayed.
I must be missing something obvious :)
Whenever I am trying to export grid to PDF, I am not able to export the rows and columns that are hidden by scroll.
I am using following library.
import { PDFExport as GridPDFExport } from '@progress/kendo-react-pdf';
please go through the attached screenshot.
Also I need your help to understand, how shall I keep first column Freeze in react grids.
Hi there, I have several quastions.
1) How I can block manual data change in input and key down events. Leave only one way to change data by mouse click.
2) How I can show previous days in month, instead empty fields we will show days from previous month but their color will be gray.
3) How I can disable days in currrent month till today?