Hi All,
Can we add an Add button to the Toolbar of our ListBox component?
Hello React Team,
I just have an issue with the filters of a Kendo React Data Grid. It can happen that more than 100 filter values are sent to the .NET Web API via the URL. This then causes an error on the server. Probably due to the length of the request URL or also due to the nesting depth of the JSON. Can the DataSourceRequest also be sent with the body or is it necessary to implement this via the URL?
The URL has a length of about 5,400 characters with 166 filter values.
Thanks in advance for the support.
Components are onrganized in simple hierarchical structure like this below
cell= {props => <MultiColumnComboBox />}
When one row which means one multicolumncombobox exists inside <Grid>, No problem,
But, When two rows which mean two multicolumncombbox exist, An Error has happend.
"ResizeObserver loop completed with undelivered notifications."
my package.json is
"@babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object": "^7.21.11",
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"typescript": "^4.5.5",
"web-vitals": "^2.1.3"
And error image is.
Please. help me.
Need an example of multi-select tree API data.
Found Similar for Dropdown - https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-gr9hn2?file=app%2Fmain.jsx
I am using Kendo React Grid where reordering and resizing is enabled.
Issue - Now, We see that width of A changes back to 100px and B, which is now on first position, takes the 200px width.
Could you please help me with this issue on priority?
Hi there,
I think I've found a bug, but want to run it past you first in case it's known/there's a workaround. I put checkbox filters in this grid: https://codesandbox.io/s/romantic-goldstine-hg8ttr
Bug repro steps:
The bug: In general, when 3 or more items are chosen from the checkbox filter, the GridColumnMenuFilter.active() method does not return the correct value.
Is there a workaround for this (other than writing my own little check?) - maybe a utility fn that I could use to check the nested active filter state beyond the .active() method?
Hi there,
I have a Kendo React Grid with a GridColumnMenuCheckboxFilter. Some of the values can get out of hand long, which push the filter dialog width out too far. Is it possible to set a width limit?