I have a simple kendo grid, where I set its selected field to true.
When I open the application in the browser, the 'aria-selected' is set to true. However, when I use jest the aria-selected of all cells is set to false.
Also when I do a fireEvent.click() on the rowElement*, it doesn't trigger the onSelectionChange of the Kendo Grid React component.
Is there anything special that I need to do to be able to correctly interact with the grid in my jest tests?
* the rowElement is found by
return await findByRole(this.gridElement, (content, element) => {
if (element?.tagName === 'TR') {
return (element as any).attributes['aria-rowindex'].value === (rowIndex + 1).toString();
} else {
return false;
I noticed that kendo-data-query was updated to version 1.7.0, but there is nothing listed here: https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/changelogs/data-query/
Also, I've noticed lag between when a new version is released and release notes are set: https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/changelogs/ui-for-react/ In this case, 5.19.0 is available but there are no notes detailing what was added/fixed.
How long should we expect to wait for release notes to be available? We like to keep our libraries up-to-date, but would like to know what has changed.
Hi there,
Is the demo here loading for you? https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/knowledge-base/grid-hide-grouped-columns/
Thank you in advance for your help!
I have some content that consists of an image with a hidden link. (It used to be a button, but I found that the button was being stripped out entirely. If there's a way to fix this, I will probably go back to the button.)
<div class="divbutton">
<img src="" alt="Xsctn_Strat-Struct.jpeg" title="Xsctn_Strat-Struct.jpeg" style="width: 100px" class="Figure-Preview" id="64319096-9a51-418d-a11b-e70d25d9cb0e" contenteditable="false" draggable="true">
<a contenteditable="false" onclick="parent.image_preview(document.getElementById('64319096-9a51-418d-a11b-e70d25d9cb0e').src)">EXPAND</a>
When I inspect the <a> element, it's missing its onclick (and contenteditable attribute, although that is not critical.)
If I manually recreate the onclick event in the DevTools, it works perfectly.
How can I stop it from being removed?
Hi team,
I've created a `CustomScheulerEditItem` component to handle use cases when the user double clicks and item and when then move it.
However I've noticed that when clicking or double clicking an item, the `SchedulerEditItem` triggers the `onRelease` callback and then the `onClick` or `onDoubleClick`. Due to this behaviour, the action I need to complete onClick, never happens.
I have an example here in stackblitz (https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-nc1tnr?file=app%2Fmain.jsx), now I know that the `onClick` callback is working, but its being preceded by `onRelease`. Have I impl this incorrectly? please advise how I can ignore the `onRelease` when simply clicking on the Item.
Hey everybody,
would like to use Gantt control on a tablet. but there don't seem to be any touch events, nor can I scroll. Did I miss something?
I'm looking at the examples of virtualization found on https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/dropdowns/multiselect/virtualization/
There is a problem at the main.jsx file, when you look at the full source you can see that the project was set up using outdated approach that defaults back to React 17 :https://react.dev/blog/2022/03/08/react-18-upgrade-guide#updates-to-client-rendering-apis
Line that is outdated:
using the new Client Render API you will see that the scroll is glitching:
Hope someone has a simple solution?
Hi there,
Referring to the Task Board documentation from Custom Rendering - KendoReact (telerik.com) and TaskBoardTaskEditPaneProps - React TaskBoard Component - KendoReact API (telerik.com)
How can I add additional input fields (eg: assignee) to the Task Board Task Edit Pane. Currently on 3 input were allowed (title, description, priority).
I have implemented a grid using OData Server Operations, very similar to this example:
But now I can't highlight the selected row. Using the process function does not allow for server side paging, filtering or sorting.
I can't use `getSelectedState` as my version of the grid has no exported member.
Is there any other way I can highlight the selected row?