Hi All
I am adding some sub nodes below treeitems a various levels and I find that they appear at the end of the tree rather than under the parent that they are added (treeitem.items).
Is there a way to for full tree re render?
I am currently recreating the tree data to add the new child item and updating the state that is bound to the data for the treeview. Is there something else that I would need to do?
Code used to update the tree state:
const [tree, setTree] = React.useState<TreeViewDataItem[]>([]);
let newTree: TreeViewDataItem[] = [];
let newTreeParent: TreeViewDataItem = InsertTreeItem(tree[0], newTreeItem, parentTreeItem.index);
export const InsertTreeItem = (treeItem: TreeViewDataItem, newItem: TreeViewDataItem, parentIndex: number): TreeViewDataItem => {
let newItems: TreeViewDataItem[] = [];
treeItem.items.forEach((node) => {
if (node.index == parentIndex) {
let cloneNode: TreeViewDataItem = _.cloneDeep(node);
InsertTreeItem(node, newItem, parentIndex);
treeItem.items = newItems;
return treeItem;
<TreeView data={tree}
onItemClick={onTreeItemClick} />
Thanks for your help.
Hi All
I have a TreeView, the nodes dont seem to call a re render unless the node is selected. Is this the case and if so, can it be altered or are there work arounds?
To replicate, I have created a conditionally rendered functional component as the node item format:
Below is the component that renders each node
const fetchTreeItemView = (props) => {
let item: TreeViewDataItem = props.item;
return (
{(item.selected) &&
<TreeUnselectedEntityNode treeItem={item} />
{(!item.selected) &&
<TreeUnselectedEntityNode treeItem={item} />
This calls the below component:
export const TreeUnselectedAttribute = props => {
const [visibleDialog, setVisibleDialog] = React.useState<boolean>(false);
const MENU_ID = `cm-${props.treeItem.index}`;
const { show } = useContextMenu({
id: MENU_ID,
const handleClickRemove = (e: React.MouseEvent) => {
const handleRemoveClick = (e) => {
const handleClick = (e) => {
const handleClickShowAttributeSelectDialog = (e) => {
const hideAttributeSelectDialog = () => {
return (
<div onContextMenu={handleClickRemove}>
<span key="0" /> {props.treeItem.branchXmlNode.name}
<Menu id={MENU_ID} theme={theme.dark}>
<Item onClick={handleRemoveClick}>Remove</Item>
<Separator />
<Submenu label="Add">
<Item onClick={handleClickShowAttributeSelectDialog}>Attribute</Item>
{visibleDialog ? <div>Tester</div> : <div>another tester</div>}
Its the same component called either way if the node is selected or not, but if the node is selected, when
is changed, the contents of the div changes (rerenders). if its not selected then no matter how the value of
is changed, it does not update (rerender)
I'm trying to let the user see which columns in a Grid have an active filter or sort. I'm using some examples I've seen in the components / forums, like this one to get started: https://www.telerik.com/forums/highlight-when-using-a-filter-in-the-grid.
Generally, it works. If a user sets a filter on column X, the grid shows a different background color. The problem happens when there is a GridColumnMenuCheckboxFilter, and the user selects more than two items. The filter applies correctly, but it does not show the user that it's filtered. The GridColumnMenuFilter.active function returns false.
Here's an example:
Thank you,
Brad Larsen
The AutoComplete component is exactly what I need, with it being an input field offering suggestions based on the typed text. However, I have a nested data structure like
Is it possible to show this? Maybe using the DropdownTree or TreeView component with `itemRender`?
Hi, I have a custom tool in the editor that allows the user to insert images with the max width set to 300px (set via the style attribute). This is so that the image inserted into the Rich Text Editor looks like a thumbnail.
How would I go about displaying the full-size image when the user hovers over the thumbnail?
I need to add an empty first item in Kendo DropDownList component. I don't know, how to make it in Kendo React. In Kendo jQuery I was able to set optionLabel: "" property and It worked. I don't know, how to do the same in Kendo React dropdown.
jQuery example: https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/dropdownlist/index
Thanks a lot.
I would like to ask, where are the localization messages in Kendo React packages. In Kendo jQuery was translation mesages included in kendo-ui package, but in React, I'm not able to found the messages. ...or in Kendo React the messages are not available and I must create messages JSON object and translate by self?
Thanks a lot.
I'm trying to change the field name of the `subItemsField` of the `DropDownTree` component and following the example of the docs here: https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/dropdowns/dropdowntree/
It only works when the field is called `items`, and doesn't use the `subItemsField` string I add (which is `relatedProducts`). This is a problem because I don't want to call this field `items` in my data
Data example:
const data = [
name: 'Furniture',
relatedProducts: [
{ name: 'Tables & Chairs' },
{ name: 'Sofas' },
{ name: 'Occasional Furniture' },
name: 'Decor',
relatedProducts: [{ name: 'Tables & Chairs' }, { name: 'Sofas' }, { name: 'Occasional Furniture' }],
Component with changed `subItemsField`
import { extendDataItem, mapTree } from '@progress/kendo-react-common';
import { filterBy } from '@progress/kendo-react-data-tools';
import {
} from '@progress/kendo-react-dropdowns';
import React from 'react';
export const processTreeData = (data, state, fields) => {
const { selectField, expandField, dataItemKey, subItemsField } = fields;
const { expanded, value, filter } = state;
const filtering = Boolean(filter && filter.value);
return mapTree(
filtering ? filterBy(data, [filter], subItemsField) : data,
(item) => {
const props = {
[expandField]: expanded.includes(item[dataItemKey]),
[selectField]: value && item[dataItemKey] === value[dataItemKey],
return filtering ? extendDataItem(item, subItemsField, props) : { ...item, ...props };
export const expandedState = (item, dataItemKey, expanded) => {
const nextExpanded = expanded.slice();
const itemKey = item[dataItemKey];
const index = expanded.indexOf(itemKey);
index === -1 ? nextExpanded.push(itemKey) : nextExpanded.splice(index, 1);
return nextExpanded;
const selectField = 'selected';
const expandField = 'expanded';
const dataItemKey = 'name';
const textField = 'name';
const subItemsField = 'relatedProducts';
const fields = { selectField, expandField, dataItemKey, subItemsField };
const InputWithTreeList = ({ data }: { data: Record<string, unknown>[] }) => {
const [value, setValue] = React.useState(null);
const [expanded, setExpanded] = React.useState([data[0][dataItemKey]]);
const onChange = (event: DropDownTreeChangeEvent) => setValue(event.value);
const onExpandChange = React.useCallback(
(event: DropDownTreeExpandEvent) =>
setExpanded(expandedState(event.item, dataItemKey, expanded)),
const treeData = React.useMemo(() => {
return processTreeData(data, { expanded, value }, fields);
}, [expanded, value]);
return (
style={{ width: '300px' }}
placeholder="Start typing..."
export default InputWithTreeList;
How do you lock the chevron and title so the stay in view when scrolling the grid to the right?
Related question: https://www.telerik.com/forums/grouping-and-frozen-columns