When the record count is more than 500, the loading time of the appointments on the scheduler, loading time of the unassigned calls & drag & drop the assigned calls on the scheduler is taking more time to load, as we have used for loop function for binding the records.
To reduce the time taken we have used parellel.for threading concept but this is not applicable for the below functions.
=> scheduler.Appointments.Add(appointment)
=> scheduler.PerformLayout()
=> scheduler.Refresh()
It is a big problem for us, Can you please suggest if there a concept/method to reduce the loading time in the radscheduler?
Video link mentioned below for your reference.
Video Link : https://ttprivatenew.s3.amazonaws.com/pulse/suganya-gmail/attachments/12503756/TinyTake14-02-2020-05-55-27.mp4