I use range seletor to associate with a radchartview.
If I associate the RadChartView control to RadRangeSelector both in design time and in program (in the function "form_load"), there is a strange behavior.
After I changed the form size, the range selector will initialize start range and end range by which means it cannot memorize the start/end range set by the movement.
However, if I only do "Me.radRangeSelector1.AssociatedControl" ONCE in the design time or in the program, the problem will be disappeared.
In my opinion, there is a bug in RadRangeSelector. It cannot support AssociatedControl 2 times. This issue doesn't appear for the other proprieties, even I set the other proprieties both in design time and in program.
I made a simple demo, please download here:
In order to reproduce the issue:
step 1. launch the demo
step 2. move range selector
step 3. change the form size
You will see the range selector return to its original location.
You can remove this line in RadForm1_Load:
RadRangeSelector1.AssociatedControl = RadChartView1
Or remove the associated control in design time. You will find range selector can memorize the location all the time.
It makes us lot of time to find out. If it is a bug, please correct it. If it is not, any explication ?
Thank you by advance.