Hi, today found bug in DataGrid on Mac OS. I'm using Macbook Air M1. When user resizes window with DataGrid inside - somehow grid content goes behind the header (see video)
There is nothing specific or customize, just did very simple grid.
<telerik:RadDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid" ItemsSource="{Binding ViewModel.Files}" Margin="50,100,30,30"
AutoGenerateColumns="False" RowHeight="45">
<telerik:DataGridTemplateColumn HeaderStyle="{StaticResource HeaderCellStyle}" HeaderText="Name" Width="250"
CellContentTemplate="{StaticResource NameColumnCellTemplate}"
CanUserSort="False" CanUserFilter="False" CanUserEdit="False" />
<telerik:DataGridDateColumn HeaderStyle="{StaticResource HeaderCellStyle}" HeaderText="Modified Date" Width="180"
CellContentFormat="{}{0: dd/MM/yyyy H:mm tt}" PropertyName="LastModified"
CanUserSort="False" CanUserFilter="False" CanUserEdit="False" />
<telerik:DataGridTextColumn HeaderStyle="{StaticResource HeaderCellStyle}" HeaderText="Tag(s)" Width="170"
CanUserSort="False" CanUserFilter="False" CanUserEdit="False" />
<telerik:DataGridNumericalColumn HeaderStyle="{StaticResource HeaderCellStyle}" HeaderText="Size" Width="130"
CellContentFormat="{}{0:D}" PropertyName="Size"
CanUserSort="False" CanUserFilter="False" CanUserEdit="False" />
I am trying to use Maui Combo box control one my screen but faced some strange issue.
After some interactions either by clicking the combo or by typing keyword the cursor started blinking so fast and due to this whole screen got stuck. I had to restart the application.
Please see the attached video for your reference.
Any help would be appreciated.
[Please ignore this same question in my other post about the hover style in the grid; putting it here to focus on this one subject]
How do I change the ListPicker to not show the dropdown button on the right side of the control? This is another change from Xamarin Forms to Maui and I don't see how to affect this.
Example from Xamarin Forms:
Same code in Maui:
I use various styles for the grid. However, for WinUI, when I move my mouse from row to row (not clicking to select a row, just mousing over), the styles I have cause every other row to be a black bar (I use Alternate row styling). How do I change the text color for these 'hovered' rows?
Also, I just noticed that row selection isn't working in the iOS simulator. I'll investigate of course, but are there any known issues I should be aware of in the iOS grid?
Simple project with a DataGrid on the MainPage.
After updating VS 2022 to 17.3 Preview 2.0, an error occurs when trying to debug the project.
If running the Windows platform, I get an error which prevents the project from running (see image). PRI175 "Duplicate Entry"
If running the Android platform, the project runs, but there's an error (FileNotFoundException: Telerik.Maui.Core.resources) during start up and the DataGrid does not render.
If I comment out the DataGrid in the XAML, the project loads without error.
I am using the latest Telerik for Maui (1.0.1)
Does it have the feature to scroll up and down the rows and across the columns?
Cant seem to find an option to turn that on.
.NET MAUI radDataGrid!
The code below worked fine in Xamarin Forms. However, it is not working in Maui. How do I fix this?
CellContentStyle="{StaticResource CustomDataGridTextCellStyle}"
HeaderStyle="{StaticResource CustomDataGridColumnHeaderStyle}"
HeaderText="{x:Static resx:AppResources.Duration}"
SizeMode="Stretch" />
<Style x:Key="CustomDataGridTextCellStyle" TargetType="telerik:DataGridTextCellStyle">
<Setter Property="HorizontalTextAlignment" Value="Start" />
<Setter Property="SelectedTextColor" Value="{StaticResource PageBackgroundColor}" />
<Setter Property="TextColor" Value="{StaticResource NormalTextColor}" />
<Setter Property="VerticalTextAlignment" Value="Center" />
<Setter Property="FontSize">
<OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="x:Double">
<On Platform="Android">14</On>
<On Platform="iOS">12</On>
<Setter Property="TextMargin">
<On Platform="Android">8</On>
<On Platform="iOS">6</On>
The code compiles fine but I get a run-time error that says:
Can't resolve HorizontalTextAlignmentProperty on DataGridTextCellStyle'
If I delete that line, then the next run says:
Can't resolve TextColorProperty on DataGridTextCellStyle'
And I assume that would continue with every property. Hopefully I'm missing something simple?
(by the way, this happens on other similar styles; I'm including this single example hoping there is a common solution to all these errors)
I added my vote to the feedback page. I'm putting a note here too in case others want to vote for the implementation (i.e., sooner rather than later).
Link to feedback form: PDF Viewer (telerik.com)
Hi Everyone,
Please advise how to make this Radwindow more compressed / smaller..
attached is the screenshot of the current windows that I want to adjust.
I am trying to extract my styling for a Telerik TabView into a .NET MAUI Class Library project, which I include in my MAUI application project and reference the ResourceDictionary from there. However, when I try to run the app to Android, I get the following error:
Failed to resolve assembly: 'Telerik.Maui.Controls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
I have even tried to do this for the SDKBrowserMaui example project that shipped with the Telerik installation. The steps I followed are:
1. Add a new project in the solution. Choose ".NET MAUI Class Library".
2. Add the Telerik nuget to this new project.
3. Create a folder named Resources in the new project and add a ".NET MAUI ResourceDictionary (XAML)" file to this folder. I called it "Styles.xaml".
4. Inside the xaml file, add an assembly reference as follows:
(I saw this in the maui app project, inside App.xaml)
5. Add my styles to the ResourceDictionary as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Style x:Key="tvhi" TargetType="telerik:TabViewHeaderItem">
<Setter Property="Padding" Value="10,5" />
<Setter Property="VisualStateManager.VisualStateGroups">
<VisualStateGroup Name="CommonStates">
<VisualState Name="Normal">
<Setter Property="TextColor" Value="#99ffffff" />
<Setter Property="FontAttributes" Value="Bold" />
<Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="Transparent" />
<VisualState Name="Disabled">
<Setter Property="TextColor" Value="#b3b3b3" />
<Setter Property="FontAttributes" Value="Bold" />
<Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="Transparent" />
<VisualState Name="Selected">
<Setter Property="TextColor" Value="White" />
<Setter Property="FontAttributes" Value="Bold" />
<Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="Transparent" />
<Style x:Key="tvh" TargetType="telerik:TabViewHeader">
<Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="Transparent" />
<Setter Property="HorizontalOptions" Value="Start" />
<Style x:Key="tvc" TargetType="telerik:TabViewContent">
<Setter Property="VerticalOptions" Value="Fill" />
6. Add a reference to the Class library project in the Maui project.
7. Inside the Maui app, in App.xaml, add the new ResourceDictionary. I should now be able to add these keys as StaticResource in my code.
However when I compile, I get the following error:
Failed to resolve assembly: 'Telerik.Maui.Controls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' MauiLib1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik UI for .NET MAUI 1.0.1\Examples\MauiLib1\Resources\Styles.xaml 1
Please can you assist, what am I doing wrong? I also tried to add the assembly reference as in my normal xaml files:
But this gives me the error:
Cannot resolve type "http://schemas.telerik.com/2022/xaml/maui:TabViewHeaderItem". MauiLib1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik UI for .NET MAUI 1.0.1\Examples\MauiLib1\Resources\Styles.xaml 8
Thank you in advance for the support.