I want to be able to modify the text content of the control programmically at runtime. Below is the code I have tried :
Placeholder does not change the content Dim content_controls As IEnumerable(Of SdtRangeStart) =
Me.radRichTextEditor1.Document.GetAnnotationMarkersOfType(Of SdtRangeStart)()
For Each item In content_controls
'MsgBox("Type: {0} ID:{1}", item.SdtProperties.Type, item.SdtProperties.ID)
'MsgBox("Type: {0} ID:{1}", item.SdtProperties.Type, item.SdtProperties.ID)
If item.SdtProperties.Type = SdtType.Text Then
Dim properties As TextProperties = TryCast(item.SdtProperties, TextProperties)
If properties.Tag IsNot Nothing AndAlso properties.Tag.ToUpper = "SERIALNO" Then
properties.Placeholder.PlaceholderText = "DWF324434244242"
properties.Placeholder.ShowPlaceholder = True
End If
End If