I am using PDFExport, and in text there are also some German characters (Ü Ö Ä ).
When I open the created PDF, then the text is not right.
Example of created PDF:
I also tried this on StackBlitz and it is the same output.
Text example:
ÜÖÄLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer felis libero, lobortis ac rutrum quis, varius a velit. Donec lacus erat, cursus sed porta quis, adipiscing et ligula. Duis volutpat, sem pharetra accumsan pharetra, mi ligula cursus felis, ac aliquet leo diam eget risus. Integer facilisis, justo cursus venenatis vehicula, massa nisl tempor sem, in ullamcorper neque mauris in orci.
What can I dot that the text will be displayed correctly.
Thank, you, Matjaz Reberc