I have a grid view where I perform Cell validation and I change the Error Icon
This grid has EnterKeyMode set to EnterMovesToNextRow
When I enter an invalid value in a cell and validate by clicking on another cell I get the proper response, i.e. Error Message and modified error Icon
but When I validate the entry with a "Return" I get the error message but the error Icon remains the default and is not changed to my custom error Icon
Also, when I validate with Enter I get a "beep" but not when I validate by selecting another cell
Here is my code for changing the error Icon
Private Sub gvPrize_ViewCellFormatting(sender As Object, e As CellFormattingEventArgs) Handles gvPrize.ViewCellFormatting
'Change Row Error Icon
If e.RowIndex > -1 Then
If TypeOf e.CellElement Is GridRowHeaderCellElement Then
Dim aCell As GridRowHeaderCellElement = CType(e.CellElement, GridRowHeaderCellElement)
Dim ip As ImagePrimitive = CType(aCell.Children(0), ImagePrimitive)
If ip.Image IsNot Nothing Then ip.Image = My.Resources.v2_error_16
End If
End If
End Sub