There seems to be an issue with the RadDesktopAlert on Windows 7.
The code below illustrates how I create an instance of RadDesktopAlert and setting its properties to my desired values :
Dim dskAlert As New RadDesktopAlert
Sub ShowAlert()
dskAlert.IsPinned = True
dskAlert.AutoClose = False
dskAlert.CanMove = True
dskAlert.Opacity = 1
dskAlert.Popup.Parent = ME
dskAlert.ThemeName = "VisualStudio2012Light"
dskAlert.FadeAnimationFrames = 10
dskAlert.FadeAnimationType = FadeAnimationType.FadeIn
dskAlert.PopupAnimationFrames = 20
dskAlert.PopupAnimationEasing = Telerik.WinControls.RadEasingType.InOutCubic
dskAlert.PopupAnimationDirection = RadDirection.Down
dskAlert.ShowCloseButton = True
dskAlert.ContentText = "This is a test"
dskAlert.RightToLeft = System.Windows.Forms.RightToLeft.No
dskAlert.ScreenPosition = Telerik.WinControls.UI.AlertScreenPosition.Manual
dskAlert.ShowOptionsButton = False
dskAlert.ShowPinButton = False
dskAlert.PlaySound = False
dskAlert.AutoSize = True
dskAlert.Popup.AlertElement.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 10, FontStyle.Regular)
dskAlert.Popup.AlertElement.ContentElement.TextAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
dskAlert.Popup.AlertElement.ForeColor = Color.Red
dskAlert.Popup.AlertElement.ContentElement.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 10, FontStyle.Regular)
AddHandler dskAlert.Popup.PopupOpening, AddressOf dskAlert_PopupOpening
End Sub
Private Sub dskAlert_PopupOpening(sender As Object, args As CancelEventArgs)
Dim arg = TryCast(args, RadPopupOpeningEventArgs)
arg.CustomLocation = New Point((Me.Width - dskAlert.Popup.Width) \ 2,
(Me.Height - dskAlert.Popup.Height) \ 2)
End Sub
It works fine on my Windows 8.1, however, the RadDesktopAlert box doesn't show up on Windows 7 as I tested many times. After several attempts to find out what causes the issue, I found the code line below to be the cause :
dskAlert.Popup.Parent = ME
It seems that setting parent property of the popup property makes the popup box invisible. I preferred to write "INVISIBLE", because there seems to be an invisible from showing up in front of the main form and this makes all the controls of the main form UnClickable.
What's your opinion about this issue ?