how can I override New/Open/Save buttons actions in RadDiagramRibbonBar? I have found button properties, so I can add my event handlers. I have found also DisableDefaultSaveAction property. I set that property to true, but it disables only New and Save button actions, not Open button action. How can I disable also default Open button action? Also, why is it named '...SaveAction', when it disables also New action? I attached my test project for testing.
private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//radDiagramRibbonBar1.buttonNew.Visibility = ElementVisibility.Collapsed;
radDiagramRibbonBar1.DisableDefaultSaveAction = true;
radDiagramRibbonBar1.buttonNew.Click += ButtonNew_Click;
radDiagramRibbonBar1.buttonOpen.Click += ButtonOpen_Click;
radDiagramRibbonBar1.buttonSave.Click += ButtonSave_Click;
One more question, can I add my buttons / groups to ribbon bar also to main tab? I see I can add new tabs and buttons to them, is it possible to add also to main tab in a simple way? I don't know if I will need it, but it's interesting question.
I am starting to implement new editor based on diagram, so maybe next questions will follow, but I don't want to ask something I haven't studied and tested.