I have a winform application with several radgridviews. I have added export functionality, but do not see how to skip a column when exporting.
I did some research but nothing I found specifically shows / code examples of how this can be done in winform.
Here is my code.
GridViewSpreadExport spreadExporter = new GridViewSpreadExport(gv);
spreadExporter.HiddenColumnOption = Telerik.WinControls.UI.Export.HiddenOption.DoNotExport;
spreadExporter.ExportVisualSettings = true;
SpreadExportRenderer exportRenderer = new SpreadExportRenderer();
spreadExporter.RunExport(filename, exportRenderer);
I did try this:
radGridView1.Columns[0].ExcelExportType = Telerik.WinControls.UI.Export.DisplayFormatType.None;
and then calling the above code, but the column still shows up.
Why isn't there a simple property on the column ShowInExport we can set to True/False?