So I want the user to choose a time with an interval of 15 mins, I disabled key presses because their is no proper way to handle it to round up to the nearest 15 mins.
Anyways my issue is that I tried using this setup so that the user can easily pick 15 mins interval
this.ReturnTimePicker.Step = 15; this.ReturnTimePicker.TimeTables = Telerik.WinControls.UI.TimeTables.HoursAndMinutesInOneTable;
The result looks like this
So ok, probably a bug or 15 mins is not supported because of how many the choices would be.
So now I decided just to use the 2 tables instead of 1.
this.ReturnTimePicker.Step = 15; this.ReturnTimePicker.TimeTables = Telerik.WinControls.UI.TimeTables.HoursAndMinutesInTwoTables;
The result is
It technically works and it's great but as you can see the Minutes is hidden, I need to drag the popup so it opens up properly.
I don't want my users to do that every time, so I want the control to be already expanded fully
Any fixes or alternatives on this issues?